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JiriSko committed Oct 21, 2022
1 parent 59cc51b commit 5841c36
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Showing 9 changed files with 666 additions and 10 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions DevToys/DevToys.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -225,6 +225,8 @@
/* End PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section */

/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
69F211362902EAEE006417C7 /* cs */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = cs; path = cs.lproj/Main.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
69F211372902EAEE006417C7 /* cs */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = cs; path = cs.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
6B42318727AD1BC0002D135A /* HyphenationRemoverView+.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "HyphenationRemoverView+.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B608540A27A66694003BF243 /* SectionButton+.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "SectionButton+.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
B608541127A66A90003BF243 /* JSONYamlConverterView+.swift */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.swift; path = "JSONYamlConverterView+.swift"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1002,6 +1004,7 @@
mainGroup = B64B1E6727A4F5E200AC2601;
packageReferences = (
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1252,6 +1255,7 @@
B67A4CD527C1E0DF009277FB /* ja */,
B67A4CD727C1E0F1009277FB /* de */,
B67A4CD927C1E469009277FB /* es */,
69F211362902EAEE006417C7 /* cs */,
name = Main.storyboard;
sourceTree = "<group>";
Expand All @@ -1265,6 +1269,7 @@
B67A4CD127C1E03C009277FB /* pt-BR */,
B67A4CD827C1E0F8009277FB /* de */,
B67A4CDA27C1E46A009277FB /* es */,
69F211372902EAEE006417C7 /* cs */,
name = Localizable.strings;
sourceTree = "<group>";
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DevToys/DevToys/Body/Convert/DateConverterView+.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ final private class DateConverterView: Page {

let datePicker = DatePicker()
let utcDatePicker = DatePicker()
let nowButton = Button(title: "Now")
let nowButton = Button(title: "Now".localized())
let unixTimeField = NumberField()
let isoDateField = TextField(showCopyButton: false)
let timestampDateField = TextField(showCopyButton: false)
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -175,12 +175,12 @@ final private class IconGeneratorView: Page {
let scalePicker = EnumPopupButton<IconSet.Scale>()
lazy var scalePickerArea = Area(icon: R.Image.paramators, title: "Scale", control: scalePicker)
let clearButton = SectionButton(title: "Clear".localized(), image: R.Image.clear)
let exportButton = Button(title: "Export")
let exportButton = Button(title: "Export".localized())

override func onAwake() {
self.addSection(Section(title: "Configuration".localized(), items: [
Area(icon: R.Image.export, title: "Icon Export Type", control: exportTypePicker),
Area(icon: R.Image.paramators, title: "Templetes", control: iconTempletePicker)
Area(icon: R.Image.export, title: "Icon Export Type".localized(), control: exportTypePicker),
Area(icon: R.Image.paramators, title: "Templates".localized(), control: iconTempletePicker)

Expand All @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ final private class IconGeneratorView: Page {
], toolbarItems: [clearButton]),

Section(title: "Options", items: [
Section(title: "Options".localized(), items: [
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions DevToys/DevToys/Body/Graphic/QRCodeReaderView+.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ enum QRCodeInputType: String, TextItem {
case photo = "Photo"
case camera = "Camera"

var title: String { rawValue }
var title: String { rawValue.localized() }

final private class QRCodeReaderView: Page {
Expand All @@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ final private class QRCodeReaderView: Page {
override func onAwake() {
title: "Configuration".localized(), items: [
Area(icon: R.Image.paramators, title: "QR Code Input Type", control: inputTypePicker)
Area(icon: R.Image.paramators, title: "QR Code Input Type".localized(), control: inputTypePicker)
Section(title: "Input".localized(), items: [imageDropView], toolbarItems: [inputClearButton]),
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ final private class ColorPickerView: Page {
let pickerPlaceholder = NSPlaceholderView()

let colorSampleView = ColorSampleView()
let pixelPickerButton = SectionButton(title: "Pick Color", image: R.Image.spuit)
let pixelPickerButton = SectionButton(title: "Pick Color".localized(), image: R.Image.spuit)
let alphaField = NumberField() => { $0.snp.makeConstraints{ make in make.width.equalTo(100) } }

let colorCopyTypePicker = EnumPopupButton<ColorCopyType>()
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DevToys/DevToys/Component/ImageDropView.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class ImageDropView: NSLoadView {
let imageView = NSImageView()

private let backgroundLayer = ControlBackgroundLayer.animationDisabled()
private let dropIndicator = DropIndicatorView(title: "Drop Image Here")
private let dropIndicator = DropIndicatorView(title: "Drop Image Here".localized())

override func layout() {
Expand Down
258 changes: 258 additions & 0 deletions DevToys/DevToys/Resource/cs.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@

Created by JiriSko on 2022/10/21.


// - General -
"Configuration" = "Konfigurace";
"Format" = "Formát";
"Pretty" = "Čitelný";
"Minified" = "Minifikovaný";
"Encoded" = "Zakódováno";
"Decoded" = "Dekódováno";
"File" = "Soubor";
"Text" = "Text";
"Copy" = "Kopírovat";
"Paste" = "Vložit";
"Copied!" = "Zkopírováno!";
"Pasted!" = "Vloženo";
"Open" = "Otevřít";
"Export" = "Exportovat";
"Import" = "Importovat";
"Input" = "Vstup";
"Output" = "Výstup";
"No selection" = "Nevybráno";
"Drop Files Here" = "Sem přetáhněte soubory";
"Drop Image Here" = "Sem přetáhněte obrázek";
"Untitled Tool" = "Nepojmenovaný nástroj";
"Uppercase" = "Velká písmena";
"Hyphens" = "Pomlčky";
"Type" = "Typ";
"Length" = "Délka";
"Convert" = "Převést";
"Information" = "Informace";
"Clear" = "Vyčistit";
"Delete" = "Smazat";
"Open in Finder" = "Zobrazit ve Finderu";
"Quick Look" = "Rychlý náhled";
"Default" = "Výchozí";
"Files" = "Soubory";

// - Category -
"category.home" = "Všechny nástroje";
"category.converters" = "Převodníky";
"category.encoders_decoders" = "Kodéry / dekodéry";
"category.formatters" = "Formátovače";
"category.generators" = "Generátory";
"category.text" = "Text";
"category.graphic" = "Grafika";
"Media" = "Média";

// - Tool -
"tool.home.title" = "Všechny nástroje";
"tool.home.mintitle" = "Všechny";
"tool.home.description" = "Projít všechny nástroje";

"tool.jsonyaml.title" = "Převodník JSON <> YAML";
"tool.jsonyaml.mintitle" = "JSON <> YAML";
"tool.jsonyaml.description" = "Převod JSON na YAML a naoopak";

"tool.numbase.title" = "Převodník číselných soustav";
"tool.numbase.mintitle" = "Číselné soustavy";
"tool.numbase.description" = "Převod čísel z jedné soustavy do jiné";
"Format Number" = "Formátovat čísla";
"Decimal" = "Desítková";
"Hexdecimal" = "Šestnáctková";
"Octal" = "Osmičková";
"Binary" = "Dvojková";

"" = "Převodník data";
"" = "Datum";
"" = "Převod data z jednoho formátu do jiného";
"Now" = "Nyní";
"Date" = "Datum";
"Unix Time" = "Unixový čas";
"ISO 8601" = "ISO 8601";
"Calender" = "Kalendář";

"tool.html.title" = "Kodér / dekodér HTML";
"tool.html.mintitle" = "HTML";
"tool.html.description" = "Kódovat nebo dekódovat všechny použitelné znaky na jim odpovídající HTML entity";

"tool.url.title" = "Kodér / dekodér URL";
"tool.url.mintitle" = "URL";
"tool.url.description" = "Kódovat nebo dekódovat všechny použitelné znaky na jim odpovídající URL";

"tool.base64.title" = "Kodér / dekodér Base64";
"tool.base64.mintitle" = "Base64";
"tool.base64.description" = "Kódování a dekódování Base64 dat";
"Source Type" = "Typ zdroje";
"Text Source" = "Text";
"File Source" = "Soubor";

"tool.jwt.title" = "Kodér / dekodér JWT";
"tool.jwt.mintitle" = "JWT";
"tool.jwt.description" = "Dekódování hlavičky a datového obsahu z JWT tokenu";
"JWT Token" = "JWT token";
"Header" = "Hlavička";
"Payload" = "Datový obsah";

"tool.jsonformat.title" = "Formátování JSON";
"tool.jsonformat.mintitle" = "JSON";
"tool.jsonformat.description" = "Odsadit nebo minifikovat JSON data";
"Indentation" = "Odsazení";
"2 Spaces" = "2 mezery";
"4 Spaces" = "4 mezery";
"1 Tab" = "1 tabulátor";

"tool.xmlformat.title" = "Formátování XML";
"tool.xmlformat.mintitle" = "XML";
"tool.xmlformat.description" = "Odsadit nebo minifikovat XML data";
"HTML Document" = "HTML dokument";
"XML Document" = "XML dokument";
"Document Type" = "Typ dokumentu";
"Auto Fix Document" = "Automaticky opravovat dokument";
"Pretty Document" = "Čitelný dokument";

"tool.hashgen.title" = "Hash generátor";
"tool.hashgen.mintitle" = "Hash";
"tool.hashgen.description" = "Výpočet hashe MD5, SHA1, SHA256 a SHA 512 z textu";

"tool.uuidgen.title" = "UUID generátor";
"tool.uuidgen.mintitle" = "UUID";
"tool.uuidgen.description" = "Generování univerzálního unikátního identifikátoru";
"Generate UUIDs" = "Generovat UUID";

"tool.ligen.title" = "Lorem Ipsum generátor";
"tool.ligen.mintitle" = "Lorem Ipsum";
"tool.ligen.description" = "Generování dočasného Lorem Ipsum textu";
"Type of generating Lorem Ipsum" = "Typ generovaného Lorem Ipsum textu";
"Length of generating Lorem Ipsum" = "Délka generovaného Lorem Ipsum textu";
"Words" = "Slova";
"Sentences" = "Věty";
"Paragraphs" = "Odstavce";

"tool.checksum.title" = "Generátor kontrolního součtu";
"tool.checksum.mintitle" = "Kontrolní součet";
"tool.checksum.description" = "Generování hashe s kontrolním součtem souboru";
"Output Comparer" = "Porovnání s výstupem";
"Hash Algorithm" = "Hashovací algoritmus";
"Select which algorithm you want to use" = "Zvolte, který algoritmus chcete použít";

"tool.textinspect.title" = "Převodník a inspektor velikosti písmen textu";
"tool.textinspect.mintitle" = "Velikost písmen";
"tool.textinspect.description" = "Analýza a převod velikosti písmen textu";
"Charactors" = "Znaky";
"Words" = "Slova";
"Lines" = "Řádky";
"Bytes" = "Bajty";

"tool.regex.title" = "Tester regulárních výrazů";
"tool.regex.mintitle" = "Regex";
"tool.regex.description" = "Ověřování a testování regulárních výrazů";
"Reguler expression" = "Regulární výraz";

"tool.hyphenremove.title" = "Odstraňovač rozdělených slov";
"tool.hyphenremove.mintitle" = "Rozdělování slov";
"tool.hyphenremove.description" = "Odstranění zalomení slov v textu zkopírovaného z PDF";

"tool.imageoptim.title" = "Kompresor PNG / JPEG";
"tool.imageoptim.mintitle" = "Komprimování PNG / JPEG";
"tool.imageoptim.description" = "Bezztrátová optimalizace PNG a JPEG";
"Optimize Level" = "Úroveň optimalizace";
"Low" = "Nízká";
"Medium" = "Střední";
"High" = "Vysoká";
"Very High (Slow)" = "Velmi vysoká (pomalé)";
"Override original file" = "Přepsat původní soubor";

"tool.pdfgen.title" = "Generátor PDF";
"tool.pdfgen.mintitle" = "Generátor PDF";
"tool.pdfgen.description" = "Generování PDF z několika obrázků";
"Images" = "Obrázky";
"Size" = "Velikost";
"Generate PDF" = "Generovat PDF";
"Page" = "Strana";

"tool.imageconvert.title" = "Převodník obrázků";
"tool.imageconvert.mintitle" = "Převodník obrázků";
"tool.imageconvert.description" = "Konverze obrázků a změna rozměrů";
"PNG Format" = "PNG";
"JPEG Format" = "JPEG";
"TIFF Format" = "TIFF";
"GIF Format" = "GIF";
"Webp Format" = "WEBP";
"Heic Format" = "HEIC";
"Scale to Fill" = "Vyplnit plochu";
"Scale to Fit" = "Neořezávat";
"Image Format" = "Formát obrázku";
"Resize" = "Změnit rozměry";
"Converted Images" = "Převést obrázky";
"Scale" = "Měřítko";

"QR Code Generator" = "Generátor QR kódu";
"Create a QR code from text" = "Vytvoření QR kódu z textu";
"Correction Level" = "Úroveň korekce";
"QR Code" = "QR kód";

"Settings" = "Nastavení";
"Setting of application" = "Nastavení aplikace";
"App Theme" = "Téma";
"Select which app theme to display" = "Zvolte, v jakém režimu se má aplikace zobrazit";
"Use system setting" = "Použít systémové nastavení";
"Light mode" = "Světlý režim";
"Dark mode" = "Tmavý režim";

"Color Picker" = "Výběr barvy";
"Picker the color and copy components" = "Výběr a kopírování zformátované barvy";
"HSB Box" = "HSB box";
"HSB Circle" = "HSB kruh";
"HSB Circle and Bars" = "HSB kruh a sloupce";
"Pick Color" = "Vybrat barvu";
"Picker Type" = "Typ výběru";
"Color Hex" = "Barva hexadecimálně";
"Color Copy" = "Kopírovat barvu";
"Color Copy Type" = "Typ";

"Gif Converter" = "GIF převodník";
"Convert a movie to an animated GIF file" = "Převod videa do animovaného GIFu";
"Width" = "Šířka";
"The width of the Gif file" = "Šířka GIF souboru (výška se určí automaticky)";
"FPS" = "FPS";
"FPS of the Gif file to be exported" = "Snímkovací frekvence exportovaného GIF souboru";
"Remove source file" = "Odstranit zdrojový soubor";
"Whether to delete the source file after exporting a Gif" = "Zda odstranit zdrojový soubor po exportu GIFu";

"Audio Converter" = "Audio převodník";
"Convert audio from one format to another" = "Převod audia z jednoho formátu do jiného";
"Whether to delete the source file after exporting a Audio" = "Zda odstranit zdrojový soubor po exportu audia";
"Starting..." = "Spouštění...";
"Complete" = "Dokončeno";
"Convert Failed" = "Převod selhal";

"Text Diff" = "Porovnávač textu";
"Compare two Text and display Diff" = "Porovnání dvojice textů";
"By Characters" = "Dle znaků";
"By Words" = "Dle slov";
"By Lines" = "Dle řádků";
"Input 1" = "Vstup 1";
"Input 2" = "Vstup 2";
"Diff Style" = "Porovnávat";

"Icon Generator" = "Generátor ikon";
"Create a Icon from image" = "Vytvoření ikony z obrázku";
"Icon Export Type" = "Typ exportované ikony";
"Templates" = "Šablony";
"Source" = "Zdroj";
"Options" = "Možnosti";

"QR Code Reader" = "Čtečka QR kódu";
"Read QR Code from image or device camera" = "Čtení QR kódu z obrázku nebo fotoaparátu";
"QR Code Input Type" = "Vstup QR kódu";
"Photo" = "Fotka";
"Camera" = "Fotoaparát";

"SQL Formatter" = "Formátování SQL";

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