2.42.0 (2024-02-05)
Add bboxUrlPrecision parameter (09a037d )
Add Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) sample (#2250 ) (f707e26 )
controls: add meta key support in state controls (74f8b50 )
Coordinates: add toArray method. (ebadc9c )
deps: Update proj4 from 2.9.0 to 2.9.2 (24eac28 )
deps: Update three from 0.154.0 to 0.159.0 (a2f9105 )
Feature2Mesh: Stylize points mesh. (b7538b0 )
LASParser: change lasparser package from to copc (aa9d97e )
View: add getters for threejs renderer and camera (57ed8d3 )
view: add WebXR support. (1d10290 )
Bug Fixes
C3DTilesLayer: handle tileContent with several child containing C3DTFeature. (219e015 )
ColorLayer: Fix rendering issue on white to invisible effect (04cad6c ), closes #2236
examples: change watercolor tile url (1bfd639 )
examples: Fix stereo effects example (3919b72 ), closes /
package-lock.json: Restore resolved and integrity properties (6737c93 ), closes npm/cli#4263
pointcloud: Add SSE calculation for orthographic projections (cae9463 )
points: Correct orthographic vertex projection (e6e1d80 )
StateControl: use uncaught key event (7fae54c )
tests: prevent overwriting navigator.userAgent
(f146262 )
VectorTile: loading texture on VectorTile when node.pendingSubdivision !need improvement! (e464bdc )
Performance Improvements
3dtiles: Transform 3d tiles region bounding volumes to spheres (f0eaf96 )
Code Refactoring
bboxDigits: Apply code review (b118942 )
Feature2Mesh: add gestion feature with variable size (4d44cd3 )
FeatureContext: use Context on LabelLayer and Feature2Texture (4abab9b )
FeatureCtx: move class FeatureContext to Style and rename (2428d56 )
Feature: remove -> use style fct at Feature level (b736f72 )
FeatureToolTip: update with new gestion of Style (356e695 )
points: Uniformize naming with three's points shader (d46cd44 )
Style: change setFromGeojsonProperties() to static (8cf99b6 )
style: change Style.drawingFromContext(ctx) to Style.getFromContext(ctx) for hierarchization of style properties (17bbe88 )
Style: change Style.setFromVectorTileLayer to static (5f22009 )
StyleContext: add setFeature to access feature.type (6b44ef9 )
Style: fuse drawStylefromContext() and symbolStylefromContext() into applyContext() (db3e455 )
Style: homogenize gestion fill.pattern between all existing (396edfb )
Style: Style hierachisation in Layer.Style instanciation (55849f6 )
Style: supp and delete notion of style.parent (40f83b3 )
Style: supp getTextFromProperties() ad it's done with getContext() (565dd63 )
Workflow and chores
release v2.42.0 (b4d3ccd )
deps-dev: bump @babel /traverse from 7.22.5 to 7.23.2 (66171c7 )
deps-dev: bump follow-redirects from 1.15.2 to 1.15.4 (9761d58 )
deps-dev: Update conventional-changelog from 3.0.0 to 4.1.0 (5f084bf )
deps-dev: Update eslint and its plugins (1e9371e )
deps-dev: Update some developer dependencies (4d74d4a )
deps-dev: Update webpack and its loaders (cdaf12f )
deps: add copc.js dependency (f89df8c )
deps: supp package (14884f3 )
deps: Update @loaders .gl/las from 3.4.4 to 4.0.4 (30ded56 )
deps: Update @tmcw /togeojson from 5.6.2 to 5.8.1 (e52fba6 )
deps: Update regenerator-runtime from 0.13.11 to 0.14.0 (878a256 )
dev-deps: Update puppeteer from 19.4.0 to 21.6.0 (a681103 )
dev-deps: Update semver due to moderate vulnerability (5a6c7e3 )
examples: ESMify collada example (b82622d )
examples: ESMify multiple 2.5D maps (ac9cea4 )
Feature: rename base_altitudeDefault to camelCase (658992d )
webpack: stop watching node modules in dev mode (47d0c7c )
ColorLayer: Update doc on effect_type and effect_parameter (d508831 )
README: remove typo (6329129 )
style: specify features supported with labels (de88737 )
View: document View properties (ef8d3f4 )
3dtiles: Remove region, box and sphere properties of C3DTBoundingVolume.
They have been replaced by volume property which contains a THREE.Box3 (for
box) or a THREE.Sphere (for sphere or region). Initial bounding volume type
can be retrieved with the initialVolumeType property.
C3DTilesLayer: C3DTFeature constructor changed from (tileId, batchId, groups, info, userData) to (tileId, batchId, groups, info, userData, object3d)
2.41.0 (2023-10-16)
3dtiles: add method to enable ktx2 loader for gltf (a260109 )
points: Add attenuated mode for points size rendering (6db3c5e )
points: Add option to render points in shape square or circle (363f137 )
VectorTile: add coordProj in pushCoordinatesValues() to get access to position when using style.base_altitude. (451e5d6 )
Bug Fixes
example: fix example Gpx 3d and functional test (781a47d )
fix Glob error when lauching npm install on windows (e56bf65 )
picking: Fix point reference of picking (#2192 ) (1cd4db9 )
VectorTile: new example using official mapbox flux, showing buildings placed at ground level. (cefebce )
Code Refactoring
Feature: Feature.pushCoordinates() change in arguments order (44e9532 )
VectorTile: Code clean up (284c46b )
View: Deprecate WebGL 1.0 support (1cf7075 )
Workflow and chores
release v2.41.0 (d47e36c )
add commit message checker (9370312 )
integration: add release commit to message check (b88de83 )
release: add npm install to npm bump command (cc6239d )
separate build and test jobs (c3bc003 )
workflow: add npm provenance to npm package (cb29ab6 )
workflow: fix publish rights with npm provenance (63f70be )
workflow: update github actions to node 18 (5143c25 )
Documentation add commits type list (b91404a ) fix typo (ac6c328 )
WebGL1: Remove tutorial "Getting Started - WebGL 1.0/2.0" (57f7b59 )
VectorTile: Feature.pushCoordinatesValues() signature change from pushCoordinatesValues(feature, long, lat, normal) to pushCoordinatesValues(feature, coordIn, coordProj)
Feature: Feature.pushCoordinates() change in arguments order from pushCoordinates(coordIn, feature) to pushCoordinates(feature, coordIn)
2.40.0 (2023-07-28)
3dtiles: add classification for rendering pointscloud (b924cd7 )
3DTiles: add style API + C3DTFeature (864268a )
3dtiles: add support for 3d tiles from cesium ion server (e9793a3 )
Coordinates: Add a setCrs method (606b6b8 )
elevationLayers: Add config.clampValues for clamping values of the elevation dataset (1985078 )
instancing: use instancing for large number of 3d objects (619a611 )
LabelLayer: add option to clamp labels to terrain. (f46ca97 )
Parser: detect if original source have elevation data. (17aaa8b )
picking: Add distance and point position to returned object by points picking (97a5e6a )
planarcontrols: add enabled attribute (f13a060 )
Style: add icon.color and icon.opacity (4fd5dc4 )
typescript: Add devDeps on three's definitions (2fbbcc3 )
typescript: Add tsconfig.json configuration (3c8c5f5 )
typescript: Add typescript dependency (71a2370 )
view: allow to pass an array of layers for picking (9b6d59f )
Widget: add C3DTilesStyle widget (7862bc1 )
WMTS: Support vendor specific parameters (cff042c )
XbilParser: gestion nodata in elevation layer (elevation set to 0) (20075b8 )
Bug Fixes
3dTiles: addEventListener onTileContentLoaded constructor (6f9a9d2 )
3dtiles: fix batchtable reading (b245301 )
3dtiles: improve 3D Tiles cache cleaning (284be24 )
3DTiles: tileId == 0 can update style (11582c9 )
controls: keyboard events are now on the domElement on the view instead of window (d5c80f4 )
CRS: more robust parameter tests (a2e0f5c )
Debug: fix 3dTiles bbox visibility (cd8d106 )
example: change config file linked with the clampValues config (2a4e911 )
example: invert order of the ElevationLayer addition when using 2 (c6800c9 )
examples: Fix cesium ion token (7f86d26 )
examples: Replace Lyon's deprecated MNT sources (7490590 )
examples: Replace Lyon's deprecated Ortho2009 sources (8dbb3d6 )
examples: Update Lyon bus source options (0881b2d )
Feature2Texture: prevent empty style (ab5713a )
GeoJsonParser: fix firstCoordinates when empty (e54f352 )
GlobeLayer, PlanarLayer: fix too much tiles subdivision due to wrong param name (c726f25 )
Label: catch no data elevation. (e1e3b1d )
ObjectRemovalHelper: linked objects are not removed. (05a0768 )
Parser: detect if original source have elevation data with multi-features. (9d509da )
Source: Validate crs in Source constructor (195bef3 )
typescript: Add annotation to unblock typechecking (25619f3 )
view: improve resource disposal by removing textures and allow to remove cache (2497d00 )
view: improve view disposal by removing resize listener (6f4ec34 )
Performance Improvements
LabelLayer: add automatic label filtering to reduce rendering calls. (e7dde10 )
3dtiles: add an example to display OSM buildings from cesium ion server (9e9acb0 )
3dtiles: rename some 3D tiles examples (e032bf2 )
3dtiles: update 3d tiles dataset on 3dtiles_25d example to a textured one (15b438c )
Collada: clean and update (08dbd3d )
potree_25d_map: declare map projection code (604b6ac )
SourceFileGeoJson: geojson raster file -> add new example for planarView (2d6abcd )
SourceFileKML: add new kml raster file from official source (58734ee )
Code Refactoring
c3DEngine: deleting the unused method getUniqueThreejsLayer. (9664006 )
Camera: remove camera argument from CameraRig (2af65b7 )
example: update with new gestion of Style (955722c )
Extent: move calculation of Extent intersection to static Extent.intersectsExtent(ExtentA,ExtentB) (4ca93a9 )
FeatureGeometryLayer: cleanup -> remove extra line break (4cef6ba )
FeatureToolTip: update for official kml and geojson flux (6e2a98c )
GlobeControls: remove three layer for helpers. (a1a8391 )
GlobeLayer: pass in static the method horizonCulling. (18af800 )
GlobeView: move sun light, from tileLayer to main scene. (68b78f0 )
LabeLayer: change label node culling mechanism. (b833744 )
LabelLayer: apply architecture node and simplify process. (aff7964 )
Label: optimize elevation update. (7492c8e )
Layer: instanciate new Style at Layer instead of at examples (d26f29e )
LayerUpdateState: add hasFinished method. (3767b0a )
OBB: remove OBB from node's children. (0440bb6 )
pickFeaturesAt: avoid picking twice the same featureGeometry (d5e5f7e )
RasterTile: emit event when raster elevation changed. (ea52ee1 )
Style: instantiate canvas when no document (b20916f )
test: add a npm run test in develpment mode -> run test-dev (9ca1d5f )
test: commenting failing test in test/unit/CameraUtils (b39edf8 )
test: handling assert fail messages in tests (1131abe )
test: handling fail messages in test with promise (48b9750 )
THREE: Remove Three.js layers using. (971f175 )
TileMesh: add change visibility event. (90ada88 )
TileMesh: new structuring of the data linked to the node. (05eb368 )
view: rename pickCoordinates to pickTerrainCoordinates (9c701db )
Widget: expose Widget in API (ca77fc8 )
Workflow and chores
release v2.40.0 (20a80eb )
add coding rules (1ec89f2 )
add name to contributors (2f81334 )
contributors: update contributors and maintainers (b5123f5 )
deployment: prevent deploying potree bundle since it is not used yet (8f7ae1a )
deps-dev: bump webpack from 5.72.1 to 5.76.0 (0bf309b )
deps-dev: bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.5 (64794b1 )
deps: bump dns-packet from 5.3.1 to 5.4.0 (96987fd )
don't watch git hash modification (f19973e )
examples: update draco to work with THREE r153 (00b6db5 )
integration: differentiate deployment for LTS and current version (470e306 )
integration: fix next version publication (fdb4813 )
integration: publish latest and next npm packages (f8996b3 )
integration: update actions in integration script (c83bfcf )
replace variable declaration by const or let (36ce64d )
update packages (a841343 )
update three to 0.153.0 (728f473 )
update three to r154 (85c9b78 )
3dtiles: add documentation for 3d tiles source (eb7c8ca )
add coding conventions and other rules for PR. (5001c8d )
examples: Add documentation on some test cases (cba2146 )
layers: improve raster layers doc (c53436a )
style: JSDoc for StyleOptions (3adbf39 )
tutorials: fix tutorials source API keys (0c10d82 )
tutorials: update with new gestion of Style (d76f92f )
WMTSSource: Change the link and the extend to TMSSource (23c16d2 )
3dtiles: test 3d tiles sources and 3d tiles ion example (47db4c7 )
examples: add new functional tests (8e14fe8 )
LabelLayer: add and modify LabelLayer tests. (a8dfb36 )
style: add tests for applyToHTML() and getImage() (8e04cd8 )
view: View.pickCoordinates has been renamed to View.pickTerrainCoordinates and returns the coordinates in the referenceCrs of the view instead of in the crs of the tiledLayer extent.
2.39.0 (2023-01-04)
3dtiles: add support for binary batch table (47325ab )
add a npm build task creating a non minified version (48a24fa )
debug: add altitude to displayed coordinates. (e1fea9f )
globeControls: add configuration parameters and documentation (cdd865c )
globeView: allow to configure globeControls when creating a globeView (821e522 )
Bug Fixes
3dtiles: fix and document 3d tiles material overriding (8ade709 )
3dtiles: fix layer opacity and visibility change for 3d tiles pnts (059fe5e )
3dtiles: handle tilesets with cesium specific uniforms in shaders (04f8b40 )
3dtiles: use correct batch table constructor for pnts tiles (e1dbd63 )
change THREE.Math to THREE.MathUtils (826b5bd )
Feature2Texture: prevent drawing points if they lack style (5706e6f )
gltf: fix parsing of khr_binary_extension in gltf 1.0 files (2bf9d2d )
LayeredMaterial: fix opacity when initialized to 0 (deac41e )
picking: fix picking on multiple layers (5c2f578 )
Scheduler: replace url subdomains alternatives (91fd9ec )
view: fix view resize when width or height is 0 (dbd9ee3 )
wfs, wms, wmts: support urls ending with or without ? character (f44dfb2 )
Performance Improvements
demutils: texture data read optimization in elevation measurement (9ee991c )
picking: don't pick atmosphere layer (069b2dd )
3dtiles_25d: change data url (52a412f )
Camera animation: cleanup example code (2bfe4e6 )
GuiTools: fix opacity slider by adding step (3b205bc )
DSM: add an example of Digital Surface Model (2f9d558 )
Code Refactoring
feature: use feature crs property for instance center property. (e455bdb )
Workflow and chores
release v2.39.0 (dd1d251 )
add a script to start an https local session with webpack (e99bf15 )
deps: bump loader-utils from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (fd0f01b )
deps: bump loader-utils from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4 (cccacae )
deps: bump terser from 5.13.1 to 5.14.2 (7134b26 )
integration: add option to launch integration workflow manually (db05ed6 )
integration: update potree repository (39fbdd7 )
up chalk to 5.0.1 (1a30d66 )
update (ba33056 )
update packages. (3dac8b9 )
update three.js to 0.146.0 (55e7016 )
RasterTile: fix faulty link (7cf4fcf )
README: Typo in the readme redirecting to a 404 error (04122a8 )
tutorials: Improve tutorial and add two tutorials for 3D tiles (3063925 )
3dtiles: add 3D Tiles batch table parsing tests (f3bd6c7 )
3dtiles: C3DTBatchTable
constructor signature has changed from
C3DTBatchTable(buffer, binaryLength, batchLength, registeredExtensions) to
C3DTBatchTable(buffer, jsonLength, binaryLength, batchLength, registeredExtensions)
2.38.2 (2022-05-11)
View: Add option viewer to enable/disable focus on start. (88d7c93 )
Workflow and chores
2.38.1 (2022-04-13)
Navigation: fix addButton method call (c53ae71 )
Workflow and chores
2.38.0 (2022-04-13)
FeatureGeometryLayer: introduce FeatureMesh, they are added to layer.object3d. (0d777ce )
Widgets: add a searchbar widget (164b6ee )
Widgets: add a widget to display a scale (d3a0154 )
Widgets: add show and hide methods (59ac32c )
widgets: Navigation tooltips can be parametrized (094803f )
Widgets: placeholder for searchbar can be modified (9bd81ce )
Bug Fixes
Feature2Mesh: fix wrong computing of clockwise polygon. (bad5e34 )
GeoidLayer: transformation error on tileMesh. (472e39c )
parser: GeoJsonParser add legacy identifier to fct readCRS() (a0195c6 )
VectorTileParser: clock wise polygon wasn't calculated. (135ee7a )
View: fix pickCoordinates undefined parameter (0ec49f4 )
Widgets: fix focus policy and event propagation on widgets (7775a04 )
Widgets: fix in Navigation css (a85f8b4 )
change view source button style (e593237 )
FeatureGeometryLayer: add vector tile to 3d object. (53a42a6 )
view 3d: updates on widgets (30bee5f )
Widgets: use minimap widget in view 3D example (5042ba7 )
Code Refactoring
Feature: move properties to private fields. (02604b9 )
Feature: simplify normals data. (0914834 )
GeometryLayer: reference to material properties from Layer properties. (23a0269 )
label: render only object with labels. (c317a8a )
MainLoop: use class for MainLoop. (25a48fd )
PlanarControls: change focus policy (99fadc0 )
view_3d_map: simplify example (3786dcf )
View: move View properties to private fields. (51f5508 )
Widgets: add onClick property in Navigation (8d9f69e )
Widgets: simplify Navigation usage (7c2bc89 )
Workflow and chores
release v2.38.0 (34ae0f3 )
add support ecma 2022 (25080d9 )
deps: bump deps to fix security vulnerability. (1db1ae7 )
deps: bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 (09e047a )
deps: bump node-forge from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 (e536532 )
submodule: use submodule for widgets. (44cc7d0 )
update packages. (e19809f )
core: Add doc for local execution (faf58be )
Widgets: specify GlobeView support for navigation (c209fdc )
Widgets: specify resources needed to use widgets (b65c081 )
Feature2Mesh: add test to calculate the difference with and without proj4. (1527c64 )
2.37.0 (2022-01-31)
Geoid: add support for geoid heights (38569f6 )
Parser: add parsers for GTX, ISG and GDF file formats (a55b154 )
View: add a method to pick world coordinates (91ccfe3 )
View: add support for ortho camera in getScale method (06eb805 )
View: dispatch an event when camera is moved (37cfb90 )
Widget: add a minimap widget (6d82c74 )
Bug Fixes
GlobeControl: stop damping when launching new animation (dad7641 )
test: fetch local laz files behind proxy. (b732c0a )
View: fix picking radius with polygons (b7be8e9 )
Compass: add an example of a compass in a GlobeView (3290820 )
FileSource: add exemples of FileSource instantiation (7db9bcb )
Potree: add an example of Potree intgration within iTowns (4bbc772 )
Potree: fix minor issues on the example (1ee50c8 )
source / file: simplify FileSource usage (21317b4 )
Widget: add an example of minimap widget (2b89f83 )
Widgets: add a plugin to display widgets (ec56fa9 )
add GeoidLayer implementation example (5df8cc5 )
Code Refactoring
TileMesh: refactorize bbox update method (18196b6 )
Widgets: rename widgets to navigation (509a042 )
Workflow and chores
release v2.37.0 (97e59b6 )
deps-dev: bump marked from 4.0.8 to 4.0.10 (cfc9100 )
add potree repo and symbolic link to gitignore (d7bb92c )
change deploying (870299f )
deploy itowns and potree bundle. (b104fd5 )
fix eslint rules. (6fff078 )
update (96cfb21 )
update packages. (eb7c8d5 )
2.36.2 (2021-11-29)
Bug Fixes
VectorTileSource: error if vector tile layer style is undefined. (b535583 )
Code Refactoring
Coordinates/Extent: rename dimension and distance methods. (6a436ac )
examples: replace geoservice keys. (b81738c )
Feature: defaults buildExtent parameter to true for 2d structure (3182075 )
Workflow and chores
2.36.1 (2021-11-22)
Bug Fixes
View: wrong calculate pick radius with distance/zoom. (d5efa03 )
Workflow and chores
2.36.0 (2021-11-18)
Coordinates: add methods to calculate distance between coordinates. (acdf643 )
Crs: add isGeocentric method. (1ab76c8 )
Extent: add methods to calculate extent dimensions. (ed583d9 )
Label: add parameter to change labels padding property (33f8680 )
Bug Fixes
ColorLayer: fix shader when transparent is true (1a4f44d )
ElevationLayer: scale elevation isn't updated (26d72da )
Ellipsoid: wrong geodesic distance. (4d462f2 )
Extent: fix wrong calculating when apply matrix. (04abdd2 )
Feature: wrong altitude and altitude limits. (4746e86 )
Feature2Mesh: set scale transformation from FeatureCollection. (0f5cd07 )
FirstPersonControls: prevent context menu from poping (94bfd57 )
GlobeControls: fix black screen when zooming outside globe (3e0f23f )
label2DRenderer: add frustum culling in global labels culling. (5ba4e9d )
Point/3Dtiles: wrong geographical extent property for points cloud and 3Dtiles. (c663ce4 )
Style: copy order property when copying style (cab78ba )
VectorTileSource: set style parent with style Layer (aba0743 )
3dtiles_basic: update 3dtiles sources url (50d6733 )
Code Refactoring
debug: remove id text in OBB helper. (d033279 )
examples: add wfs labels in 2.5d examples. (944e412 )
Extent: throw error if the projection is geocentric. (e0048f7 )
Extent: use Extent.planarDimensions instead of Extent.dimensions (023d5fa )
OBBHelper: remove OBBHelper text. (1e2fc31 )
TerrainMaterial: rename fogDepth -> vFogDepth (7d162ec )
View: change label margin default. (8c6edf5 )
Workflow and chores
Ellipsoid: minor fix on geodesicDistance doc (a0cd2a3 )
2.35.0 (2021-09-16)
AnimationPlayer: add a callback ran at each animation frame (1280ce0 )
Bug Fixes
c3DEngine: fix error when input renderer.domElement is a canvas (14567c1 )
CameraUtils: CameraTransformOptions parameter stopPlaceOnGroundAtEnd is no longer overriden (7f3a542 )
CameraUtils: compute precise altitude when setting CameraRig (011fcbc )
Feature2Mesh: addapt indices array type from the size of polygon (378c092 )
GlobeControls: fix jittering move globe when devtool is open (825841c )
Label: clamp labels altitude over 0 (ddd59e0 )
Label: enforce Labels div top position to 0 (08528d7 )
ShapefileParser: prevent ignoring input crs wen given (d2b90b7 )
camera traveling: add an example where user can pick points and have camera traveling between those points (6e79ff3 )
Code Refactoring
Controls: change deprecated mouseWheel event to wheel event (923d10c )
Controls: handle mouse events in StateControls (ae1c30b )
Controls: switch context menu management in StateControl (5fa010b )
Controls: switch enabled property from GlobeControls to StateControl (76130b4 )
Controls: switch keyboard management to StateControls (a392a7b )
Controls: switch wheel management to StateControl (4e64b75 )
StateControl: factorise handleMouse in pointer methods (0e626d8 )
StateControls: simplify setFromOptions method (a7d175f )
Workflow and chores
release v2.35.0 (ade35e8 )
examples: change geoportail key. (36f0f40 )
move babel preset-env options to .babelrc (ad22bcc )
remove import three examples polyfill. (48d52ae )
up three 131.2 (aed4dbc )
up to webpack 5. (ea36982 )
update packages. (909e96e )
minor update on Controls documentation (5f4ace1 )
Controls: minor doc fixes (d7c2ffa )
2.34.0 (2021-07-30)
GlobeControls: add support for travel out animation (9db6ecb )
Label: add support to pass custom domElements to labels (b560005 )
Layer: add FeatureGeometryLayer. (0961787 )
StateControl: add a method to modify class properties (1e2e11e )
Style: add support for custom icon in labels (7f355c4 )
Style: add support for custom label anchor (fe2a2d9 )
TMSSource: add support for specific TileMatrix identifier (e394255 )
View: add double right-click event (9ce7213 )
Bug Fixes
3Dtiles: remove debugger command. (0a06614 )
eventToViewCoord: check if event.offset properties are defined (26f459a )
example: generate correct URL when sharing EPT example (8ef0b34 )
FeatureToolTip: fix tooltip legend icon (f632308 )
Label: fix occlusion between icons and label text (29b6435 )
Label: fix Style.text.offset parameter (26b970b )
Label: rounds the projected coordinates of labels (5d0ca6f )
LayeredMaterialNodeProcessing: checks for source cache with the layer crs for command cancellation (7570cad )
tutorial: fix internal link in tutorials (ce8029c )
add an example where user can define custom controls (00e62c2 )
GeoJSON raster: center the camera initial position on the displayed features (8d8ac2c )
geojson-file: refactor example to illustrate two ways of displaying data from a file (4bc0774 )
vectorTile: replace expired source in vector tile examples (8ccc1a3 )
Code Refactoring
GlobeControls: switch travel animation to StateControl (d99827d )
View: eventToViewCoords returns middle view coords by default (2e501c3 )
Workflow and chores
FeatureGeometryLayer: add jsdoc to documentation config (e77f102 )
README: update deprecated link (b483e0d )
README: update integration badge to github action (4c77adf )
Style: add precision on doc (bcee39f )
tutorials: add support to sort tutorials in sections (e9c8510 )
Fundamentals: add links to documentation (cf30e37 )
Fundamentals: change section titles (296206f )
Fundamentals: change tutorial links appearance (ac167ec )
add tutorials on how to use iTowns (5916ac9 )
resize tutorial images (bbb91e7 )
update html titles in some examples (7ea6538 )
2.33.0 (2021-05-28)
ColorLayer: add custom shader to ColorLayer. (2d32888 )
ColorLayer: add option to filtering textures Layer. (da245f9 )
Coordinates: add applyMatrix4 method. (061eda0 )
Bug Fixes
CameraUtils: count heading in clockwise direction (880c67d )
CameraUtils: fix rotation animation when start heading is 0 (1ca0c17 )
CameraUtils: the camera rotation animation take the shortest angle (ae194d3 )
Controls: replace deprecated THREE.Quaternion.slerp. (2e27408 )
debug: update coordinates event on mouse move (9b62770 )
Feature: wrong condition to choose extent crs projection. (73198c7 )
FeatureToolTip: avoid undefined layer on move. (6ae7305 )
FileSource: transform extent source if is needed. (0177503 )
GeojsonParser: store geojson properties within a separate property (121b796 )
LabelLayer: init LabelLayer visibility with attached ColorLayer. (67f25a1 )
LayeredMaterialNodeProcessing: prevent errors in layer update when removing layer (d9fda75 )
PlanarControls: prevent freezing zoom when clicking while zooming with an orthographic camera (b0f0a2d )
test: use Extent.applyMatrix4 and Coordinates.applyMatrix4. (bdf50ab )
add custom shader effect example. (15163d9 )
change buildings id for coloring (3f7ccd0 )
Code Refactoring
ColorLayer: add effect type ColorLayer parameter. (19d58c6 )
ColorLayer: remove useless features in ColorLayer command. (66ee340 )
example: remove unuseless variable. (041b62a )
Feature: compute and apply local transform matrix in Feature. (e244f55 )
Feature: declare constant in file begining. (f44c29e )
Feature: FeatureCollection extends by Object3D and use local transform matrix. (8d20315 )
Feature: normalize crs projection. (f9df7ff )
Feature: remove optionsFeature from FeatureCollection. (b15c642 )
Feature: replace parsing option withNormal and withAltitude by structure. (420ba1a )
Feature: simplify build extent check. (0091a5a )
Layer: deprecate labelEnable option Layer and replace by addLabelLayer. (082d22c )
ShaderChunk: introduce shader chunk manager class to instance ShaderChunk. (e93ed76 )
Source: avoid to cache raster data in Source. (521ca74 )
Style/Convert: move options from Converter to Style. (23de259 )
VectorTileParser: remove unnecessary parameters. (860d748 )
Workflow and chores
FeatureCollection: clarify FeatureCollection.extent projection. (f612eb3 )
View: add diffuse parameter documentation. (fcc16da )
unit: update unit tests with feature refactoring. (cbe3e68 )
Style/Convert: * GeometryLayer.convert
options are moved in Style properties. Use
layer options is removed use
CameraUtils: The headings used in CameraUtils are now counted clockwise (they were
previously counted counter-clockwise).
Feature: FeatureCollection and Feature signature constructor are changed.
2.32.0 (2021-04-09)
PlanarControls: add max and min resolution parameters to limit zoom (ad17590 )
PlanarControls: Add property 'Cursor' and method 'setCursor' for cursor modification (0870ede )
Style: support mapbox expression. (0581d3d )
Bug Fixes
Atmosphere: avoid several realistic atmosphere initializations. (b949f75 )
Camera: resize preserves the scale (e44de7f )
extent: forget copy zoom in Extent#transformedCopy. (1a607ea )
Extent: forgetting zoom property copy, in (3efea0e )
Label: wrong div translate. (5ef7197 )
PlanarControls: fix drag when moving out of view domElement (a4f0a3f )
PlanarControls: prevent triggering new movement when already moving (66256bb )
test: apply async icon label loading. (76d732a )
test: update label test with default icon size. (72a98d4 )
test: update vector tile style test with context expression. (c9fc662 )
VectorTileSource: failing to open mapbox url format. (b6dd383 )
Orthographic: add resolution limit parameters in orthographic examples (aafd37b )
add atmosphere mars example. (27e28ad )
update irrelevant titles in some examples (2914286 )
Code Refactoring
Atmosphere: move realistic atmosphere options to Atmosphere constructor. (234a8ee )
Source: remove extentsInsideLimit. (035701b )
VectorTilesSource: remove useless styles by zoom. (baabbae )
Workflow and chores
GeometryLayer: fix example and typo regarding Object3D (d77c8d6 )
TMSSource: add example in doc (dce0032 )
2.31.0 (2021-03-02)
Bug Fixes
GlobeLayer: doesn't subdivise the pole tile mesh. (53a9f6f )
PlanarControls: fix pan movement (5be30b7 )
PlanarControls: standardize zoom factors for perspective and orthographic camera (c65bbab )
Points: remove THREE.Geometry. (6ff3b3d )
RasterColorTile: wrong getter name. (1f7eb05 )
correct zoom factor parameter in examples (a86e3f8 )
Code Refactoring
Debug: simplified point debug code. (c99fb09 )
GlobeControls: refactor zoom speed management (57f6666 )
Immersive: replace Matrix4.makeBasisFromMatrix by Matrix4.setFromMatrix3. (d442602 )
MaterialLayer: MaterialLayer to RasterNode. (46b19f1 )
PlanarControls: refactor zoom speed management (ca47389 )
points: avoid clone point material. (174a60f )
RasterTile: rename file. (c73fc38 )
View: remove useless getParentLayer method (6f0b545 )
View: simplify getLayerById method. (58874ec )
Workflow and chores
release v2.31.0 (c3f5e47 )
update package-lock.json. (b3e81fc )
deps-dev: bump marked from 1.2.9 to 2.0.0 (46bc3f9 )
update packages. (09f12c9 )
MaterialLayer: update tests with the MaterialLayer refactoring. (0fa3c06 )
2.30.0 (2021-02-05)
CameraUtils: add possibility to set camera placement from an extent (d6b2ab4 )
VectorTilesSource: store parsed vector tile style as class property (bb581fb )
Bug Fixes
Camera: rename intersectSphere to intersectsSphere (f5e1004 )
examples: rename smartZoom param in vector_tile_raster_2d (ca7aaeb )
examples: update three version in view_mutli_25d (7778a4d )
Terrain: use exact method to compute min and max elevation node; (6297c09 )
OrthographicCamera: set camera initial position from an extent (6c10ba2 )
Code Refactoring
Camera: refactor Camera as an ES6 class (596cee6 )
Camera: remove matrixProjectionNeedsUpdate. (a501c92 )
debug: remove three r124 warning. (9c2406f )
layer: introduce RasterLayer. (e7b2653 )
Layer: Layer constructor parameter needs Source. (11b8645 )
Workflow and chores
2.29.2 (2021-01-26)
Bug Fixes
3dTile: don't overload the b3dm material. (d7f14b6 )
PlanarControls: fix zoom movement with an orthographic camera (999851a )
Code Refactoring
view: add vector target viewToNormalizedCoords. (b83a9c8 )
Workflow and chores
2.29.1 (2021-01-22)
Bug Fixes
PlanarControls: fix issues related to cameraOrtho feature (475c788 )
Workflow and chores
update some deprecated doc (d16c796 )
Camera: modify camera.adjustAltitudeToAvoidCollisionWithLayer doc (aabe814 )
GlobeControl: update class constructor doc (6fb3d28 )
GlobeControls: minor correction (7230b53 )
View: update doc of View.getMeterToPixel method (cc2385c )
2.29.0 (2021-01-21)
controls: add damping factor property. (22d962d )
controls: add option enable smart travel in planarControls (a31873d )
orthographic camera: add support for an orthographic camera (de0dba6 )
points: apply opacity classification on others MODE. (e411425 )
webgl: support pick position from depth buffer with ortho (05fb79f )
Bug Fixes
ColorLayer: wrong white to opacity effect. (9666822 )
controls: moving camera after disabling collision. (2dd8e06 )
controls: remove prevent default in mouseDown. (c866807 )
examples: fix key events in examples (c187616 )
PlanarControls: remove previously instantiated controls associated (2726101 )
PlanarControls: reset focus policy default parameters (b56aaaf )
test: update a deprecated method call (497d55e )
workflow: wrong path to build docs link. (066f54a )
orthographic camera: add examples of PlanarView with an orthographic camera (d58c1b6 )
Code Refactoring
Three: remove deprecated matrix method. (fffef40 )
Three: remove deprecated quaternion method. (f435fef )
Workflow and chores
release v2.29.0 (8c69ef6 )
add action github to release and npm publish. (eef3d53 )
add bump script. (9e0f7b6 )
add changelog script. (f7f6c40 )
add github action to continuous integration (e8e4f01 )
add script to unit tests coverage. (7c128ab )
prepare migrating to webpack 5. (9a549d4 )
refactoring debug npm script. (b56f8b0 )
example: rename start zoom to smart travel in key bindings description (24c7c2b )
remove deprecated babel-polyfill (2e3de03 )
remove useless integration files. (349e1b4 )
update actions/setup-node to v2. (e3e31c0 )
upgrade and update lock file version to 2.0. (537345b )
deps: bump ini from 1.3.5 to 1.3.7 (fd46fd1 )
update packages. (34ee221 )
workflow: bump and changelog scripts. (01bf159 )
Update (28be05c )
Change comment on workflow remove old artifact (7fcbb3a )
Update actions checkout to v2 (9094edc )
Update remove-old-artifacts.yml (0a9911f )
Create remove-old-artifacts.yml (617326c )
You can’t perform that action at this time.