Simple archetype based ECS written in dart.
Made for learning purposes so keep that in mind before using it.
Any improvements or suggestions are welcome.
import 'package:tecs/tecs.dart';
// Create a World
final world = World();
// Reset and Clear the World
// Create Entities
final entity1 = world.createEntity();
final entity2 = world.createEntity();
// Remove Entities
world.removeEntity(entity1); // returns true
world.removeEntity(entity2); // returns true
world.removeEntity(entity1); // returns false, entity1 is not alive
// Check Entity Status
final entity1Status = world.isAlive(entity1);
if(entity1Status) {
print("entity1 is alive");
} else {
print("entity1 is dead");
// Create entities in bulk
final entityIDs = world.createEntities([
[NameComponent(name: "Entity1"), PositionComponent(x: 10.0, y: 20.0)],
[NameComponent(name: "Entity2"), PositionComponent(x: 30.0, y: 40.0)],
[NameComponent(name: "Entity3"), PositionComponent(x: 50.0, y: 60.0)],
print(entityIDs.length); // 3
class PositionComponent extends Component {
required this.x,
required this.y,
double x;
double y;
class VelocityComponent extends Component {
required this.x,
required this.y,
double x;
double y;
// Add a component to an entity
world.addComponent(entity1, PositionComponent(x: 150, y: 150));
world.addComponent(entity1, VelocityComponent(x: -800, y: 400));
// Add components to an entity in bulk
world.addComponents(entity1, components: [
PositionComponent(x: 150, y: 150),
VelocityComponent(x: -800, y: 400),
// Get component of an entity (returns null if the entity does not have the component)
final position = world.getComponent<PositionComponent>(entity1);
final velocity = world.getComponent<VelocityComponent>(entity1);
// Remove a component
// Remove components in bulk
world.removeComponents(entity1, components: [
final queryResult = world.query([PositionComponent, VelocityComponent]);
for (final row in queryResult.rows) {
final position = row.get<PositionComponent>();
final velocity = row.get<VelocityComponent>();
position.x += velocity.x;
position.y += velocity.y;
// extending with System<T> you can change the type of argument the update function will take.
class MoveSystem extends System<double> {
void update(double deltaTime) {
// has access to the world
final queryResult = world.query([PositionComponent, VelocityComponent]);
for (final row in queryResult.rows) {
final position = row.get<PositionComponent>();
final velocity = row.get<VelocityComponent>();
position.x += velocity.x * deltaTime;
position.y += velocity.y * deltaTime;
// Add a system
// Update all systems sequantially (add order matters)
// A game loop that provides 'double deltaTime'
// A game loop that provides 'double deltaTime'
// You can give tags to your systems to update differently and pass different arguments.
// You can use the new records capability dart3 provides to accept multiple arguments
class RenderSystem extends System<({Canvas canvas, Size size})> {
void update(args) {
final queryResult = world.query([RectComponent, ColorComponent]);
for (final row in queryResult.rows) {
final rect = row.get<RectComponent>();
final color = row.get<ColorComponent>();
final paint = Paint()
..color = color.value = PaintingStyle.fill;
args.canvas.drawRect(rect.value, paint);
// Add the system with tag
world.addSystem(MoveSystem()); // default
world.addSystem(CollisionSystem()); // default
world.addSystem(RenderSystem(), tag: "render");
world.addSystem(RenderCollidersDebug(), tag: "render");
// A game loop that provides 'double deltaTime'
world.update(deltaTime); // MoveSystem and CollisionSystem will run
// A game loop that provides 'double deltaTime'
// A render loop that provides canvas and size
world.update(canvas, size, tag: "render"); // RenderSystem and RenderCollidersDebug will run
// A render loop that provides canvas and size
class GameTime {
double seconds = 0;
// Add Resource
// Get Resource and Manipulate
final gameTime = world.getResource<GameTime>();
gameTime.seconds += 1;
// If you add same resource, it will replace the old one
world.addResource(GameTime()); // replace the old GameTime
// You can give tags to add the same resource type without replacing
world.addResource(GameTime(), tag: "menu");
final gameTime = world.getResource<GameTime>();
final gameTimeMenu = world.getResource<GameTime>(tag: "menu");
// Remove resource
world.removeResource<GameTime>(); // returns GameTime if the resource exists, null otherwise
world.removeResource<GameTime>(tag: "menu");