Estimate duration: 2h/3h Languages: PHP 7.X or 8.X in backend, ReactJS in frontend
This test has 2 steps:
- 1st step for testing backend development
- 2nd step for testing frontend development
Send a github with your result (or at least send an archive by email)
To evaluate your result we will assess:
- Topic understanding
- Resourcefulness
- Code quality
Don't forget to reread, clean and nicely format your code: we give priority to quality over quantity
If you want, you can add an file to specify how you would improve your code with more working time.
Please contact us if you are facing any blocking situation.
Withings has a public API making possible for developers to retrieve customer Withings data after being authorized by the customer to access it. The Withings public API is using the OAuth2.0 protocol to authenticate the calls.
In this test, you will have to write a simple HTML webview and a script in PHP to use the OAuth2.0 protocol and get the demo-user weight measurements using the Withings public API.
We already registered to the Withings public API and got the following credentials:
- clientid: a16837aaa8f536b229ce20fa8e90a2739885b640ff67de7b84562b6fe0e27513
- secret: ****************************************************************
- authorized callback url: http://localhost:7070
Put your development files inside the following folder: backend-oauth2
1/ Consult our documentation about the OAuth2.0 protocol (you are allowed to consult other sources).
2/ Write a simple HTML webview to make a partner app request customer authorization and a script in PHP (you can use objects or just write a script) to retrieve the OAuth2.0 access_token. To help you starting: the HTML webview will have to display a button targeting the following link:
3/ Improve your PHP script to get the last weight measurements of the user using the Measure - Getmeas API and display them in a webview.
To simplify the usage of the Withings public API, a demo mode exists. We suggest you to use it.
You can consult our Postman collection
You DON'T need to follow the signature hash protocol
You DON'T need to implement the notification system
You DON'T need to implement a complex architecture with a bdd, etc..
You can test your PHP script by running a local server (cf. How to install section below) and then follow the link in Backend step 2.
In this test, you will create a Quiz in React with the help of the API
What we want:
- A Quiz with 5 questions from Trivia API
- A component that will display one question and its possible answers
- Check the answer is correct when the user selects one and validates
- Highlight the good answer
- Update the score of the user and go to next question
- At the end of the Quiz, display the final score and propose to retry a new quiz
- We propose to you the foundation of the project. Check the How to install section to run the project in local.
- You can rewrite the code and structure the project like you want.
- Go to frontend-quiz/src/App.js and begin the development. Good luck!
- For you information, you can find an example here
- Bonus: propose to the user a config before beginning the quiz : number of questions, categories, difficulty ... Then use the API with the good parameters to fetch questions.
- Bonus: Add a timer to answer
PHP 7.X or 8.X on your computer
Set the environment variable
with the secret# From the same terminal session that you will launch the server from export WITHINGS_SECRET=********************************
The backend-oauth2
folder is the folder for the Backend test. Go to this folder and launch the server in local with the command : php -S localhost:7070
. Then go to your browser and open http://localhost:7070
- NodeJS 14.X or 16.X
- Yarn or NPM (we prefer yarn)
The frontend-quiz
folder is the folder for the Frontend test. Do yarn install
in this folder to install node_modules. Then do yarn start
to launch the local server http://localhost:9000
and watch your changes.
Thanks for the time you take!