IF YOU ARE A CHECKING NOOB USE SIMPLECHECK https://github.com/scorpion3013/SimpleCheck
I got asked alot if I still developing mart, basicly I dont know. My main project is checkolotl now which is an general account checker (I will later make an addon for it so rankchecker etc will work.)
If any critical bugs appear in mart, I will fix them. But dont expect regular updates in mart.
Codename: mart
NOTICE: After the current issues are added/fixed this project will be closed and made to a multi-account-recovery-tool (which means support for more websites will be added)
This is a tool to recover your minecraft account made in python 3.6
mart vs eggcrack(popularest free tool atm)
Only checking for valids account -> mart wins in speed and accuracy.
Notice: Having alot of extra checks enabled will slow mart down. (Cause the extra checks arent async yet)
HTTP Proxy Support.
Cape checking for: labymod, 5zig mod, optifine, minecon, liquidbounce.
Checking if an account has security questions.
Checking if an username is three letters or shorter.
Checking if an account has a rank on Hypixel and which level the account is.
Checking if an account has a rank on Mineplex.
Checking if an account has a rank on HiveMC.
Todolist: ban checker, more special_checks
- This repository is for educational purposes only
- You won't use this application/code to attempt to obtain accounts which are NOT yours (bruteforcing, etc...)
- You won't use this application/code to do anything unlawful or commit crimes
- I am not responsible for any actions done by people who use this code