A class to hold chunk data for Minecraft: PC 1.8, 1.9, 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, 1.13, 1.14, 1.15 and 1.16 and Pocket Edition 0.14 and 1.0
const Chunk = require('prismarine-chunk')("1.8")
const Vec3 = require("vec3")
const chunk=new Chunk()
for (let x = 0; x < 16;x++) {
for (let z = 0; z < 16; z++) {
chunk.setBlockType(new Vec3(x, 50, z), 2)
for (let y = 0; y < 256; y++) {
chunk.setSkyLight(new Vec3(x, y, z), 15)
console.log(JSON.stringify(chunk.getBlock(new Vec3(3,50,3)),null,2))
Test data can be generated with minecraftChunkDumper.
Install it globally with npm install minecraft-chunk-dumper -g
then run :
minecraftChunkDumper saveChunk 1.8.8 1.8/chunk.dump 1.8/chunk.meta
Build a new chunk
Initialize a chunk.
is a function(x,y,z) returning a prismarine-block.
That function is faster than iterating and calling the setBlock* manually. It is useful to generate a whole chunk and load a whole chunk.
returns the version the chunk loader was called with
returns ChunkSection class for version
Get the block type at pos
Get the block state id at pos
Get the block data (metadata) at pos
Get the block light at pos
Get the block sky light at pos
Get the block biome id at pos
Get the block biome color at pos
. Does nothing for PC.
Set the block type stateId
at pos
Set the block type id
at pos
Set the block data
(metadata) at pos
Set the block light
at pos
Set the block sky light
at pos
Set the block biome
id at pos
Set the block biomeColor
at pos
. Does nothing for PC.
Return the chunk bitmap 0b0000_0000_0000_0000(0x0000) means no chunks are set while 0b1111_1111_1111_1111(0xFFFF) means all chunks are set
Returns the chunk raw data
Load raw data
into the chunk
Returns the chunk raw light data (starting from 1.14)
Load lights into the chunk (starting from 1.14)
Chunk.loadParsedLight (skyLight, blockLight, skyLightMask, blockLightMask, emptySkyLightMask, emptyBlockLightMask)
Load lights into the chunk (starting from 1.17)
Returns the biomes as an array (starting from 1.15)
Load biomes into the chunk (starting from 1.15)
Returns the chunk as json
Load chunk from json
Available for pc chunk implementation. Array of y => section Can be used to identify whether a section is empty or not (will be null if it's the case) For version >= 1.9, contains a .palette property which contains all the stateId of this section, can be used to check quickly whether a given block is in this section.