Project for faculty subject JSD
pygame_sl is a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) for generating 2D platform games in python using pygame library. It is meant to enable anyone to design their own 2D platform game.
The pygame_sl is meant to be easy to understand and use, to design the player avater, levels and rules of the 2D platform game.
- Requirements for installing:
pip install -e .
to install the project in development mode
textx generate <path_to_.pg_file> --target python [--output-path <path>]
- Requirements to run generated python file:
python <path_to_generated_.py_file>
- Modify player avatar and dimensions
- Add additional images for player avatar to enable animations
- Define pickup items (point or speed boost)
- Define levels with image or color backgrounds
- Add platforms to levels (define textures and dimensions) and defined items on specified coordinates
- Define sounds to be played during game or on specific actions (jump, items pickup, game end)
- Define custom settings for the game in general: custom title, fps, default move speed, screen size, default colors and font name
game "2D Platformer"
player {
color blue
height 75
width 50
level Level1 {
background color yellow
platform {
position 300 420
height 50
width 80
level Level2 {
background color yellow
platform {
position 300 420
height 50
width 80