Shopping App made possible with flutter
This is a shopping app made with flutter.
- Ramees Ameen []
- Muhammed Basil E []
- Step 1) Install the APK(
- Step 2) Avacadavra...The shopping app
- shoppyShop now working based on a dummmy data we maded by our self,
- in that list we added every product we are showing ,with an unique id
- and when the user get in to main page there we show every product from the list
- but when user tap on aprodut the unique id the product will pass to the details screen and the curresponding product will show there
- and when we add to favourite or to cart the same process happens
Install the apk from above link Open the app Sign Up--> Voila... Ur account created Explore the simple UI
By installing the apk