Welcome and thanks for trying drupal_ti!
This will make it simple to use travis to test your drupal modules with simpletest and phpunit tests.
All you need is to push your drupal.org repository to Github, setup the module below, login to travis-ci.org, setup the repo and you are up and running in to time.
Copy .travis.yml.dist to your root folder as .travis.yml and customize the DRUPAL_TI_MODULE_NAME global environment variable to match the name of your module.
You will also need to activate one matrix option, based on if you have support for Simpletest, PHPUnit, Behat or all together:
- DRUPAL_TI_RUNNERS="phpunit simpletest behat"
This example would run phpunit as one matrix runner, which gives you results fast, then phpunit, simpletest and behat as the slow runner.
If you want to run drupal_ti with a Drupal-8 module, then you need to use:
If your tests/ and composer.json are not in tests/ directory you will want to change:
# Comment this line for different directories, e.g. composer in the root.
# - cd ./tests
drupal_ti provides a drupal-ti command, which is then called with each stage of travis-ci (e.g. install, before_script, ...).
By providing different runners in runners/simpletest or runners/phpunit/ the corresponding scripts are executed (e.g. runners/phpunit/script.sh).
Also diffent environments are included from environments/$DRUPAL_TI_ENVIRONMENT.sh
, which makes it possible to distinguish easily between Drupal 7 and 8.
This gives you a modular travis experience and such the scripts can be very generic.
Drupal is installed in $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/drupal_travis/drupal and drush is available after before_script stage.
By using
- DRUPAL_TI_SCRIPT_DIR_BEFORE="./drupal_ti/before"
- DRUPAL_TI_SCRIPT_DIR_AFTER="./drupal_ti/after"
you can define your own scripts from your base directory, and drupal_ti will call them before and after your main scripts.
This is useful to change default environment variables, e.g. environments/drupal-7.sh defines
export DRUPAL_TI_DRUSH_VERSION="drush/drush:6.*"
but you might want a different version and also override the drupal_ti_install_drupal function (as core-quick-drupal command needs drush 6).
Theoretically you can even define multiple by just seperating them with a space or installed via composer - the possibilities are endless :).
- DRUPAL_TI_SCRIPT_DIR_BEFORE="./drupal_ti/before ./vendor/lionsad/drupal_ti_base_cool/drupal_ti/before"
- DRUPAL_TI_SCRIPT_DIR_AFTER="./drupal_ti/after ./vendor/lionsad/drupal_ti_base_cool/drupal_ti/after"
Contributions are welcome.
For your convenience the 'drush site-set' command is set for the Drupal installation, so any Drush commands triggered in your own scripts will be run against the test Drupal instance.