FCO2ken has two core Solidity contracts: the ledger contract. which tracks the minting and retiring of FCO2kens (fco2ken.sol
) and a storage contract (fco2kenData.sol
), which holds - most importantly - an ownable FCO2ken price value.
mint(string memory ipfsHash, uint256 amountTokens) public onlyOwner()
: allows the owner to create new CO2kenswithdraw() public onlyOwner()
: allows the owner to withdraw monies received to the contractoffsetCarbon(uint256 payment) public
: allows anyone to pay a dollar-denominated value into the contract to offset carbonoffsetCarbonTons(uint256 tons) public
: allows anyone to pay a ton CO2 denominated value into the contract to offset carbon
setCO2kenPrice(uint256 _co2kenPrice) public onlyOwner()
: allows the owner to set the price of CO2kens
Contains the Green
contract that can be inherited by others to make available the offset()
offset(uint256 offsetThreshold)
: a modifier that accepts a threshold parameter to offset all accumulated carbon emissions of the function once it is crossed (batching)
Also contains the Polluter
contract which is Green
to demonstrate modifier functionality.
FCO2kenData - Add rinkeby addy later
FCO2ken (for demo) - add later addy for demo contract
Polluter (is Green) - add later addy for demo contract
WEENUS (test ERC20) - collect test WEENUS by visiting https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/token/<CONTRACT_ADDRESS_ON_RINKEBY>#writeContract connecting web3 wallet and write to drip()
To setup and deploy subgraph run the following commands:
npm run codegen
graph auth https://api.thegraph.com/deploy/ GRAPH_AUTH_TOKEN
graph deploy --debug --node https://api.thegraph.com/deploy/ --ipfs https://api.thegraph.com/ipfs/ benesjan/CO2ken
The Graph uses GraphQL API. To get a balance of purchased CO2kens for address "0xaa81ca5483020798f1a8834e1fb227e1c02c8ede" run:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "query": "{ userBalances(id: "0xaa81ca5483020798f1a8834e1fb227e1c02c8ede") { balance } }" }' https://api.thegraph.com/subgraphs/name/benesjan/co2ken