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DayrisRM committed Jun 10, 2024
1 parent 32b8cae commit 5467e04
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Showing 6 changed files with 455 additions and 9 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ def get_data(file, mmap=True):
plt.plot(diff_ddm2_data_voxel2, 'o-', label=f'Voxel 2 - coords {voxel2_coords}')

plt.title('Individual voxel signal in the differential')

Expand Down
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions metrics/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nibabel as nb
from scipy import ndimage, stats
from scipy.stats import ranksums
import os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
import sys
import seaborn as sns
import math
from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity as ssim
from skimage import feature, transform
from skimage.metrics import peak_signal_noise_ratio as psnr

def get_data(file, mmap=True):
Load NIfTI image data from a file.
file (str): The path to the NIfTI file.
mmap (bool, optional): Whether to use memory-mapped file access. Default is True.
numpy.ndarray: The voxel data from the NIfTI file.
import nibabel as nb
img = nb.load(file, mmap=mmap)
img_voxels = img.get_fdata()
return img_voxels

SNRs = [5, 10]
iter = 20

dPath_gaussian = f'C:/Users/dayri/Documents/UNED/TFM/Related_projects/Simulations/Simulations/Experiments/Exp6-data-gaussian'
dPath_rician = f'C:/Users/dayri/Documents/UNED/TFM/Related_projects/Simulations/Simulations/Experiments/Exp6-data-rician'
ground_truth = get_data(f'C:/Users/dayri/Documents/UNED/TFM/Related_projects/Simulations/Simulations/Experiments/Exp6-data-gaussian/Dataset/noisyfree_data_full_b0_first.nii.gz')

# Definir la posición específica
x, y, z = 51, 51, 35

ground_truth_signal_timeseries = ground_truth[x, y, z, :]

# Preparar los gráficos
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True, figsize=(10, 4))

colors = ['orange', 'green']

# Crear diccionarios para almacenar las series temporales
data_gaussian = {}
data_rician = {}

# Iterar sobre los valores de SNR
for snr in SNRs:
print(f'snr: {snr}')

# Cargar los datos ruidosos
gaussian_noisy_data = get_data(f'{dPath_gaussian}/RAW/snr{snr}/main-Gaussian-noisy_data_snr{snr}.nii.gz')
rician_noisy_data = get_data(f'{dPath_rician}/RAW/snr{snr}/main-Rician-noisy_data_snr{snr}.nii.gz')

# Extraer la serie temporal de la señal en la posición específica
gaussian_signal_timeseries = gaussian_noisy_data[x, y, z, :]
rician_signal_timeseries = rician_noisy_data[x, y, z, :]

# Almacenar las series temporales en los diccionarios
data_gaussian[snr] = gaussian_signal_timeseries
data_rician[snr] = rician_signal_timeseries

ax[0].plot(ground_truth_signal_timeseries, label='noise-free', color='black', linestyle = 'dashed')
ax[1].plot(ground_truth_signal_timeseries, label='noise-free', color='black', linestyle = 'dashed')

# Graficar las series temporales
snr_index = 0
for snr in SNRs:
ax[0].plot(data_gaussian[snr], label=f'SNR={snr}', color=colors[snr_index])
ax[1].plot(data_rician[snr], label=f'SNR={snr}', color=colors[snr_index])
snr_index = snr_index + 1

# Configurar los gráficos
ax[0].set_title('Gaussian Noisy Data')
ax[0].set_ylabel('Signal Intensity')

ax[1].set_title('Rician Noisy Data')



91 changes: 91 additions & 0 deletions metrics/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nibabel as nb
import seaborn as sns

def get_data(file, mmap=True):
Load NIfTI image data from a file.
file (str): The path to the NIfTI file.
mmap (bool, optional): Whether to use memory-mapped file access. Default is True.
numpy.ndarray: The voxel data from the NIfTI file.
import nibabel as nb
img = nb.load(file, mmap=mmap)
img_voxels = img.get_fdata()
return img_voxels

def get_voxel_coords(voxel_type):
mean_f1samples (f1), mean_f2samples (f2), mean_f3samples (f3).
Para 1fib, coge cualquier voxel donde f2 y f3 <0.05
Para 2fib, cualquier voxel donde f3<0.05 y f2>0.05
Para 3fib, cualquier voxel donde f3>0.05.
Los valores que se usan cumplen los requisitos de arriba.
if voxel_type == '1fib':
return (39, 71, 47)
elif voxel_type == '2fib':
return (36, 25, 29)
elif voxel_type == '3fib':
return (76, 35, 29)
raise ValueError("Unknown voxel type")

snr = 5 #
methods = ['Raw','Patch2Self', 'DDM2'] #'Raw','NLMEANS','MPPCA','Patch2Self', 'DDM2', 'AVG'
methods_plot_names = ['Noisy','Patch2Self', 'DDM2'] #'Noisy','NLMEANS','MPPCA','Patch2Self', 'DDM2', 'AVG'
list_colors = ['gold', 'darkorange', 'lightseagreen', 'green']#'gold', 'pink', 'blue', 'darkorange', 'lightseagreen', 'green'

iter = 20
exp = 'Exp6-data-rician'
noise_type = 'Rician'
voxel_type = '1fib'

x, y, z = get_voxel_coords(voxel_type)

ground_truth = get_data(f'C:/Users/dayri/Documents/UNED/TFM/Related_projects/Simulations/Simulations/Experiments/{exp}/Dataset/noisyfree_data_full_b0_first.nii.gz')
dPath = f'C:/Users/dayri/Documents/UNED/TFM/Related_projects/Simulations/Simulations/Experiments/{exp}'

signal_timeseries_ground_truth = ground_truth[x, y, z]

data_in_voxel = {}

for ds, method in enumerate(methods):
print(f'method: {method}')
name_data = f'{method.lower()}-denoised_main_snr'
if method == 'Raw':
name_data = f'main-{noise_type}-noisy_data_snr'

img = get_data(f'{dPath}/{method}/snr{snr}/{name_data}{snr}.nii.gz') #esta es la imagen denoised o el raw
signal_timeseries = img[x, y, z]
data_in_voxel[method] = signal_timeseries

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 5))

ax.plot(signal_timeseries_ground_truth, label='noise free', color='black', linestyle = 'dashed')

# Graficar las series temporales
method_index = 0
for method in methods:
ax.plot(data_in_voxel[method], label=methods_plot_names[method_index], color=list_colors[method_index])
method_index = method_index +1

plt.ylabel('Signal intensity')
plt.title(f'SNR = {snr}')

plt.savefig(f'{dPath}/figures/{noise_type}_{voxel_type}_{iter}_signal_bymethod_invoxel_snr{snr}_screenshots.png', dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')

85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions metrics/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import nibabel as nb
from scipy import ndimage, stats
from scipy.stats import ranksums
import os
import subprocess
from pathlib import Path
import warnings
import sys
import seaborn as sns

def get_data(file, mmap=True):
Load NIfTI image data from a file.
file (str): The path to the NIfTI file.
mmap (bool, optional): Whether to use memory-mapped file access. Default is True.
numpy.ndarray: The voxel data from the NIfTI file.
import nibabel as nb
img = nb.load(file, mmap=mmap)
img_voxels = img.get_fdata()
return img_voxels

SNRs = [5]
methods = ['NLMEANS','MPPCA','Patch2Self', 'DDM2', 'AVG']
methods_names = ['NLMEANS','MPPCA','Patch2Self', 'DDM2', 'AVG']
list_colors = ['pink', 'blue', 'darkorange', 'lightseagreen', 'green']

iter = 20
export_figures = True
exp = 'Exp6-data-rician'
noise_type = 'rician'

mask = get_data(f'C:/Users/dayri/Documents/UNED/TFM/Related_projects/Simulations/Simulations/Experiments/{exp}/Dataset/nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz')
ground_truth = get_data(f'C:/Users/dayri/Documents/UNED/TFM/Related_projects/Simulations/Simulations/Experiments/{exp}/Dataset/noisyfree_data_full_b0_first.nii.gz')

# Identificar las posiciones donde la máscara tiene un valor de 1 (dentro del cerebro)
mask_positions = np.where(mask == 1)
dPath = f'C:/Users/dayri/Documents/UNED/TFM/Related_projects/Simulations/Simulations/Experiments/{exp}'

for ds, dataset in enumerate(SNRs):
nrows = 2
ncols = len(methods_names)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=(7*ncols, 6*nrows), sharex='row', sharey='row', gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [3, 1]})

for i in range(0,ncols):
method = methods_names[i]
img = get_data(f'{dPath}/{method}/snr{dataset}/differences.nii.gz') #difference between raw and denoised data
img_volume = img[:,:,:,69]
masked_volume = img_volume[mask>0].ravel() #535k voxels at 1.5mm
img_slice = img[:,:,36,69]

# Exemplar slice map masked to brain
masked_slice = img_slice*mask[:,:,36]
v_max = 3*np.std(masked_slice)
ax_imshow = ax[0,i]
ax_imshow.imshow(ndimage.rotate(masked_slice, 90), cmap='gray', vmin=-v_max, vmax=v_max)
ax_imshow.set_title(method, fontweight='bold', size=fig.dpi*0.3, color=list_colors[i]) # Size of titles in function of the figsize
plt.setp(ax_imshow, xticks=[], yticks=[])

sns.kdeplot(masked_volume,color=list_colors[i], ax=ax[1,i], fill=True)#, bins=200)
ax[1,i].axvline(x=np.mean(masked_volume),color=list_colors[i], ls='--', lw=2)
ax[1,i].axvline(x=0,color='black', ls='--', lw=1)
#ax[1,i].set_xlim(left=x_limit, right=x_limit)
ax[1, i].set_xlim(-0.8, 0.8)
plt.setp(ax[1,i], yticks=[])

fig.suptitle(f'Dataset SNR={SNRs[ds]}', fontweight='bold', size=fig.dpi*0.4)
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.0, hspace=-0.25)
fig.savefig(f'{dPath}/figures/{noise_type}_{iter}_fig4_snr{dataset}_screenshots.png', dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight')

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