Repository of the Exam project for the realisation of a Spring Boot Application that manages a Digital Art Gallery.
A Spring Boot Application that manages a Digital Art Gallery with multiple possibilities of navigation for the end user and offer the admin full control on the database.
Link to the intial flow diagram of the app
Insertion of:
- Artworks
- Authors
- Collections
Editing of:
- Artworks
- Authors
- Collections
Deletion of:
- Artworks
- Authors
- Collections
Viewing the details of:
- Artworks (including the average of the grades for each artwork)
- Authors
- Collections
Viewing all registered users
Viewing the details of (with multiple possibilities of navigations):
- Artworks
- Authors
- Collections
Insertion of a grade of an artwork
Editing of a grade of an artwork
Deletion of a grade of an artwork
- Java
- Maven
- Spring Boot
- Heroku
- Amazon AWS S3
- Google OAuth2