This is an attempt to simulate the pcm signal and drive a Ford alternator outside of the vehicle
Modern Ford alternators (Gen 6, & the Gen 4 from 2003) need to receive a signal from the pcm (power train control module) inorder to generate any power.
This signal is pwm with a frequency of 125mhz and a duty cycle ranging from (5% for 12v) to (95% for 16v) output. This is an Arduino sketch attempting to simulate that input signal
using an Arduino Uno r3.
*To make use of this sketch you will need to download and install the library located here:
**Update the alternator I had intended to use with his has a bad voltage regulator. (I got it off of Craigslist for $8 so I can't say I'm shocked.) Given that I am unable to continue with this project at this time. :(
Hopefully I will be able to return to it in the near future, or someone comes along and incorporates it into something useful. I had planned to add the following:
Add potentiometer to adjust the duty cycle and output voltage instead of having to flash a fixed duty cycle onto the Arduino.
Make use of the PWM signal put out by the alternaor's stator to enable automatic adjustments for steady voltage output under varying levels of load.
Create and upload a gerber file and a component list so that a pcb can be easily created.