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Annex I Query Parameters

Torbjörn Einarsson edited this page Jan 29, 2025 · 1 revision

Basic URL query parameter support

From v1.7.0, there is basic support for Annex I - Flexible Insertion of URL Parameters.

Supported test case

Using the /urlgen page, you can specify query-string parameters that are added in the livesim2 URL and in the MPD query.


A resulting URL may look something like:,b=2/testpic_2s/Manifest.mpd?a=1&b=2

Note that there is both a segment of the URI annexI_a=1,b=2/ and a matching query ?a=1&b=2. In the MPD the video adaptationSet signals that all video segments should have the query string ?a=1&b=2 added.

If the client is requesting video segments without this query string, a 400 HTTP error will be returned with the body containing the text query check mismatch.

Note that audio segments should not have the query parameters attached according to the MPD.