Please use GedTools instead.
I wrote this software at the request of Sister Sun Chia-Ling at the LDS genealogy center in Kaohsiung Taiwan Stake. They were spending countless hours annotating Chinese names with Romanized versions so that they could be submitted for temple work. I was shocked that such a monotonous task had not yet been automated! She put me in contact with a brother in Taipei, who suggested using the Unihan database for automatic Chinese-to-Pinyin (Romanized Chinese) conversion. I chose the name "Pin-Ming" from the Chinese "拼名", which can be directly translated as "spell name."
I delivered the first version of Pin-Ming to Siser Sun sometime in 2007. It was used in LDS genealogy centers throughout Taiwan for about two years, but I soon discovered that the Java dependence was a huge headache. Even when my users got a JRE correctly installed, they had problems getting the JAR files to execute. This prompted me to start a new project, GedTools, written in C++. I was able to bundle the GedTools binary and all of its DLL dependencies in a 32-bit Windows installer, which made deployment much simpler. GedTools also added new functionality, including a full Traditional Chinese localization, as well as a missing-date-estimation algorithm.
GedTools superseded Pin-Ming in 2009. Basically, I'm just keeping this source code around for nostalgia's sake.