Just a simple Arduino sketch using the WS2812FX library to give your Christmas tree maximum RGB this holiday season. The code is fairly simple, upon start up the list of effects is shuffled and effects are rotated after a set time period with a random colour and random speed.
The included sketch was based on an example sketch included with the WS2812FX library and i hope it is fun for everyone else as it was for me putting this together. I currently have my tree decked out with 121 blinken' lights running with an Arduino Nano and it has impressed all eyes that have gazed upon it.
You can find more information on WS2812FX here: https://github.com/kitesurfer1404/WS2812FX
I have some plans to possibly expand upon this in future some ideas are:
- WiFi control with an ESP8266.
- Custom effects, Christmas themed of course.
- Seperate LED control for a star on the top of the tree.