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Releases: DamonHD/statsHouse

Summary type 2: some melody

29 Jun 09:54
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DHD20240628: initial version of feedHitsSummary type 2.
DHD20240629: initial visualisation data for feedHitsSummary type 2.

Capturing data visualisation alongside MIDI tune

04 Jun 19:24
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DHD20240604: added optional DataVizBeatPoint dataRendered to MIDITune.

Summary type 1 now indicates daily cycle and skipHours

31 May 14:26
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DHD20240531: -feedHitsSummary type 1 now uses lower tom in skipHours.

Initial feed hits sonfication

30 May 21:31
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DHD20240530: build system adjusted.
DHD20240530: -feedHitsSummary type 1 implemented.

Zenodo release

27 May 11:14
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freezepoint name: V5.3.0 (main)
DHD20240527: created package org.hd.d.statsHouse.feedHits for RSS Efficiency work.
DHD20240527: created link to Zenodo - no build done.

More expression and progression and variation

27 Jul 14:02
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DHD20230714: better conversion of input filename to tune name.
DHD20230714: tweaking volume down to stay away from red!
DHD20230715: building up expression (a little) for chorus/drop.
DHD20230715: created GenerationParameters.makeDerivedSeed().
DHD20230715: alignment first pass done; partial start/end bars omitted if enough data.
DHD20230726: started building in progression and randomisation, eg random minor scale for house.
DHD20230727: added expression for fade in/out for bass.

Fades and some progression.

13 Jul 15:50
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DHD20230712: provide some progression and use all data by end-aligning on alternate repeats.
DHD20230713: first verse now fades in, last chorus fades out (over 1/4 section length).
DHD20230713: secondary data stream verse sections fade in and out.


10 Jul 19:11
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More metadata and some tweaking of scale and baseline.

DHD20230710: reporting success runtime in Main.
DHD20230710: adding copyright disclaimer and other for MIDI Sequence/file output.
DHD20230710: repeating verse/chorus as needed to bring house tune up to at least half target length.
DHD20230710: added date range to DataBounds and MIDI metadata.
DHD20230710: added Implementation-Title and Implementation-Version to JARs; can extract version at runtime.
DHD20230710: switched to minor scale for house default, and fiddled with bass line.

Bug fixes for first integration with energy-series / makefile

10 Jul 08:33
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Minor fixes to be able to run all 264 sonifications on the Mac:

DHD20230709: keeping org.hd.d.statsHouse.generic.Style unobfuscated for simplicity.
DHD20230710: bug fix processing -@ switch.
DHD20230710: turning off proguard obfuscation to help with bug fixes!

INFO: sonifying: 262/264: [data/consolidated/energy/std/flow/Y/flow-Y.csv, data/consolidated/energy/std/flow/Y/flow-Y.mid]
INFO: sonifying: 263/264: [data/consolidated/energy/std/flow/Y/flow-Y.csv, data/consolidated/energy/std/flow/Y/flow-Y.mild.mid, -style, gentle]
INFO: sonifying: 264/264: [data/consolidated/energy/std/flow/Y/flow-Y.csv, data/consolidated/energy/std/flow/Y/, -intro, auto, -style, house]
INFO: sonified!

First JAR built

09 Jul 20:20
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Lots to do (see TODO.txt), but:

DHD20230704: house: now adding chorus after every verse.
DHD20230707: adjusting final percussion bar in each section.
DHD20230708: fade-out on final house chorus using expression (MIDI CC 11).
DHD20230709: added sample data files usable by unit tests.
DHD20230709: "-intro auto" allows intro/outro without forcing section length.