This package provides an interface for accessing materials for the course 'Landscape Genetic Data Analysis with R'. It installs all R packages needed for the course, and adds four RStudio Add-ins. The weekly labs are implemented as vignettes.
Note: this package is currently under development and new vignettes are being added. Check for updates frequently.
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
The package installs four Add-ins in RStudio. Each will provide you with some dropdown menu choices.
- Watch Course Video: opens a video resource from course "Landscape Genetic Data Analysis with R".
- Start Tutorial: installs swirl course "Landscape_Genetics_R_Course" and prints instructions.
- Choose Worked Example: opens vignette file (.html, .Rmd, or .R) with a worked example from course "Landscape Genetic Data Analysis with R".
- Open Cheat Sheet: opens selected R cheat sheet.
This video walks through the process of installing devtools, the course package, and using the RStudio Add-Ins. Intro_LandGenCourse_small.mp4