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GUI overhauls - scrolling mode, handle resize better, infinite tooltips.
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Also bump to 1.7.0b for impending release.
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Dabomstew committed Mar 4, 2016
1 parent 7e22bea commit 46a3776
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Showing 5 changed files with 123 additions and 80 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion readme.txt
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@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Universal Pokemon Randomizer 1.7.0a
Universal Pokemon Randomizer 1.7.0b
by Dabomstew, 2012-16

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/com/dabomstew/pkrandom/
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ public class Constants {

public static final String AUTOUPDATE_URL = "";
public static final String WEBSITE_URL = "";
public static final int UPDATE_VERSION = 1701;
public static final int UPDATE_VERSION = 1702;
public static final String ROOT_PATH = getRootPath();

private static String getRootPath() {
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55 changes: 31 additions & 24 deletions src/com/dabomstew/pkrandom/gui/
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Expand Up @@ -211,7 +211,6 @@ RandomizerGUI.codeTweaksBtn.textWithActive=Code Tweaks (%d)
RandomizerGUI.pokeLimitBtn.text=Limit Pokemon
RandomizerGUI.pokeLimitCB.toolTipText=<html>Select this to allow yourself to limit the Pokemon used by the randomization.<br /><b>If this box isn't checked all Pokemon will be allowed!</b>
RandomizerGUI.updateSettingsButton.text=Update Settings
RandomizerGUI.toggleAutoUpdatesMenuItem.text=Toggle AutoUpdate
RandomizerGUI.manualUpdateMenuItem.text=Check for Update Now
RandomizerGUI.disableAutoUpdate=Disable Auto Update
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,7 +267,7 @@ RandomizerGUI.tmHmTutorPanel.TabConstraints.tabTitle=TM/HMs & Tutors
RandomizerGUI.startersInnerPanel.TabConstraints.tabTitle=Starters, Statics & Trades
RandomizerGUI.trainersInnerPanel.TabConstraints.tabTitle=Trainer Pokemon
RandomizerGUI.fieldItemsInnerPanel.TabConstraints.tabTitle=Field Items
RandomizerGUI.versionLabel.text=Randomizer Version 1.7.0a
RandomizerGUI.versionLabel.text=Randomizer Version 1.7.0b
RandomizerGUI.websiteLinkLabel.text=<html><a href=""></a>
Expand All @@ -287,6 +286,35 @@ RandomizerGUI.wildsInnerPanel.TabConstraints.tabTitle=Wild Pokemon
RandomizerGUI.miscTweaksInnerPanel.TabConstraints.tabTitle=Misc Tweaks
RandomizerGUI.miscTweaksPanel.border.title=Misc. Tweaks
RandomizerGUI.mtNoneAvailableLabel.text=There are no tweaks available for the currently loaded game.
RandomizerGUI.thcFullRB.toolTipText=<html>Select this option to allow every Pokemon to learn every TM/HM.<br />This can be fun to mess around with, but it might make the game too easy.
RandomizerGUI.thcFullRB.text=Full compatibility
RandomizerGUI.thcRandomTotalRB.toolTipText=<html>Randomise the TMs and HMs that each Pokemon can learn.<br />Each TM or HM will have a 50% chance of being learnable regardless of type.
RandomizerGUI.thcRandomTotalRB.text=Random (completely)
RandomizerGUI.thcRandomTypeRB.toolTipText=<html>Randomise the TMs and HMs that each Pokemon can learn.<br />Each TM or HM will have:<br />A 90% chance of being learnable if the Pokemon has it as (one of) its type(s).<br />A 50% chance of being learnable if the move is Normal and the Pokemon isn't.<br />A 25% chance otherwise.
RandomizerGUI.thcRandomTypeRB.text=Random (prefer same type)
RandomizerGUI.thcUnchangedRB.toolTipText=<html>Every Pokemon will be able to learn the same TMs that it could before.<br />Note that this applies even if you change the TM moves, which could lead to some odd combinations.
RandomizerGUI.tmHmCompatPanel.border.title=TM/HM Compatibility
RandomizerGUI.tmFullHMCompatCB.toolTipText=<html>If you select this option, then every Pokemon will learn every HM, regardless of any other options you check.
RandomizerGUI.tmFullHMCompatCB.text=Full HM Compatibility?
RandomizerGUI.tmKeepFieldMovesCB.toolTipText=<html>If you select this, TMs that contain field-use moves will be left alone.<br />This includes things like Dig & Teleport, but not healing moves (Softboiled).
RandomizerGUI.tmKeepFieldMovesCB.text=Keep field move TMs?
RandomizerGUI.tmLearningSanityCB.toolTipText=<html>If you select this option, then Pokemon will be guaranteed to learn TMs of moves that they learn by levelup.<br />Otherwise, move compatibility will be left alone or decided randomly, depending on your other choices.
RandomizerGUI.tmLearningSanityCB.text=TM/Levelup Move Sanity?
RandomizerGUI.tmmRandomRB.toolTipText=<html>Give each TM a new move.<br />HM moves are not affected, nor can they be selected to be put in TMs.<br />Each TM will still be unique.<br />If Metronome Only Mode is selected, all TMs are changed to Metronome and this setting has no effect.
RandomizerGUI.tmmUnchangedRB.toolTipText=<html>Leave the moves in TMs as they are.<br />If Metronome Only Mode is selected, all TMs are changed to Metronome and this setting has no effect.
RandomizerGUI.tmMovesPanel.border.title=TM Moves
RandomizerGUI.tmhmsPanel.border.title=TMs & HMs
RandomizerGUI.toggleScrollPaneMenuItem.text=Toggle ScrollView
RandomizerGUI.changeToTabbedPane=Change to Tabbed Display Mode
RandomizerGUI.changeToScrollPane=Change to Scrolling Display Mode
RandomizerGUI.displayModeChangeDialog.text=Are you sure you wish to switch display modes?\nIn order to apply this setting, the randomizer will have to close first.\nIf you're in the middle of a randomization, finish it before saying Yes.
RandomizerGUI.displayModeChanged=Display mode changed.\nThe randomizer will now automatically close.\nWhen you re-open it, your display mode change will be applied.
GenerationLimitDialog.includePokemonHeader.text=Include Pokemon from:
GenerationLimitDialog.relatedPokemonHeader.text=... and related Pokemon from:
GenerationLimitDialog.gen1CB.text=Generation 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -353,25 +381,4 @@ CodeTweaks.lowerCaseNames.toolTipText=<html>If this is selected, all Pokemon nam Case Pokemon Names
CodeTweaks.catchingTutorial.toolTipText=<html>Selecting this option will randomize the Pokemon participating in the game's catching tutorial. Catching Tutorial
RandomizerGUI.thcFullRB.toolTipText=<html>Select this option to allow every Pokemon to learn every TM/HM.<br />This can be fun to mess around with, but it might make the game too easy.
RandomizerGUI.thcFullRB.text=Full compatibility
RandomizerGUI.thcRandomTotalRB.toolTipText=<html>Randomise the TMs and HMs that each Pokemon can learn.<br />Each TM or HM will have a 50% chance of being learnable regardless of type.
RandomizerGUI.thcRandomTotalRB.text=Random (completely)
RandomizerGUI.thcRandomTypeRB.toolTipText=<html>Randomise the TMs and HMs that each Pokemon can learn.<br />Each TM or HM will have:<br />A 90% chance of being learnable if the Pokemon has it as (one of) its type(s).<br />A 50% chance of being learnable if the move is Normal and the Pokemon isn't.<br />A 25% chance otherwise.
RandomizerGUI.thcRandomTypeRB.text=Random (prefer same type)
RandomizerGUI.thcUnchangedRB.toolTipText=<html>Every Pokemon will be able to learn the same TMs that it could before.<br />Note that this applies even if you change the TM moves, which could lead to some odd combinations.
RandomizerGUI.tmHmCompatPanel.border.title=TM/HM Compatibility
RandomizerGUI.tmFullHMCompatCB.toolTipText=<html>If you select this option, then every Pokemon will learn every HM, regardless of any other options you check.
RandomizerGUI.tmFullHMCompatCB.text=Full HM Compatibility?
RandomizerGUI.tmKeepFieldMovesCB.toolTipText=<html>If you select this, TMs that contain field-use moves will be left alone.<br />This includes things like Dig & Teleport, but not healing moves (Softboiled).
RandomizerGUI.tmKeepFieldMovesCB.text=Keep field move TMs?
RandomizerGUI.tmLearningSanityCB.toolTipText=<html>If you select this option, then Pokemon will be guaranteed to learn TMs of moves that they learn by levelup.<br />Otherwise, move compatibility will be left alone or decided randomly, depending on your other choices.
RandomizerGUI.tmLearningSanityCB.text=TM/Levelup Move Sanity?
RandomizerGUI.tmmRandomRB.toolTipText=<html>Give each TM a new move.<br />HM moves are not affected, nor can they be selected to be put in TMs.<br />Each TM will still be unique.<br />If Metronome Only Mode is selected, all TMs are changed to Metronome and this setting has no effect.
RandomizerGUI.tmmUnchangedRB.toolTipText=<html>Leave the moves in TMs as they are.<br />If Metronome Only Mode is selected, all TMs are changed to Metronome and this setting has no effect.
RandomizerGUI.tmMovesPanel.border.title=TM Moves
RandomizerGUI.tmhmsPanel.border.title=TMs & HMs

36 changes: 21 additions & 15 deletions src/com/dabomstew/pkrandom/gui/RandomizerGUI.form
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Expand Up @@ -91,6 +91,16 @@
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Expand All @@ -101,7 +111,6 @@
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -138,24 +147,21 @@
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Expand All @@ -164,7 +170,7 @@
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Expand All @@ -175,7 +181,7 @@
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Expand All @@ -192,8 +198,8 @@
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Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,14 +418,14 @@
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<Container class="javax.swing.JTabbedPane" name="randomizerOptionsPane">
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