Version 7.0
This is a major update to Crystal Speedchoice that moves it onto "modern" pokecrystal (though still a fair few commits behind by the point of release) and adds a significant set of features.
Availability of Item Randomizer support for v7 is subject to the independent developers adding it when they have time. Please do not harass them about it.
New game start options ("permaoptions"):
- EXP Splitting: Choices are Normal, Gen 6/7, Gen 8
- Gen 6/7 makes all alive participants gain full EXP and stat EXP. When Exp Share is in inventory, all alive non-participants gain 50% EXP and stat EXP.
- Gen 8 is the same but the non-participant EXP happens without any item requirement. Exp Share is completely useless with this setting on.
- Catch EXP: should hopefully be self-explanatory. Respects whichever EXP splitting choice you made as well.
- Metronome Only Mode: When on, both battlers will always use Metronome without a move selection menu appearing, and PP is not used.
- Dex Area Beep: If you look up a mon in the Pokedex with this permaoption on and you are on the map/floor where it is actually located the game will make 3 beeps (like in Emerald). Makes CEA less obnoxious
- Start with Bike: What it says on the tin
- Rods Always Work: When turned on, fishing rods will never say "not even a nibble!". You will always get an encounter every time you fish unless the map has no fishing encounters.
- Fast Egg Making: When on, the egg generation check will always succeed, meaning you will always get an egg from the daycare after taking 1-256 steps after depositing two compatible Pokemon.
- Fast Egg Hatching: When on, all eggs will take only 1 cycle (256 steps) to hatch.
- Easy Clair Badge: When on, you get Clair's badge immediately after beating her instead of having to go to Dragons Den. This was always the case for earlier Speedchoice versions but has been moved to a separate option to allow item randomizers to lock that location behind Whirlpool if wanted.
- Early Kanto Dex: When on, you can access Kanto area data in the Pokedex as soon as you get it, instead of having to beat the Elite Four.
New always-available options:
- Bike Music:
- Normal means bike music plays for the first map you're in after getting on it aka vanilla Gen2 behavior.
- None means bike music is completely disabled.
- Give Nicknames - self explanatory option, besides Yes being the default. Set to No to skip all "do you want to give a nickname to X?" prompts. If you run into a nicknaming prompt other than Name Rater with this option on, please report it as a bug.
Other changes:
- Added party DVs/stat EXP viewer and moves used tracking to done screen. Same as Red.
- Marginally improve accuracy of B/W EXP calculations (changes very little)
- If Better Marts is on, Goldenrod Mart sells TM12 Sweet Scent once you have acquired it for the first time from the Ilex Forest Gatehouse.
- Add Frame 10 (RBY text frame)
- Fixed rendering flypoint names on Kanto map.
- Bill asks if you want to change box when he calls you about your current box being full.
- Added a bunch of mostly backend-only changes to better allow for item randomizer support and allow them to add Pokegear flags and badges to the item pool.
- Related to the above, when an item rando is active (once they support v7), certain logic settings will be locked in and not changeable by the player to prevent mismatches between Speedchoice logic settings and the logic assumed by the item randomizer.