Super Mario Project description.
Team Name:
- Daben Wang
- dabenw
- Yuting Jiang
- yutinj2
Name your specifications here:
- What emulator shoule graders use? Example) Pixel 2
we use Pixel 3 to develop. - Should graders use an Android phone?
whatever, the game we develop can support 2 finger gesture. When you put the second finger on screen, Mario can jump. Also, the middle bottom area of screen is the touch operation of jump. - Any other requirements?
The following required functionality is complete:
- Game scrolls across the level in landscape fashion
- There are 3 levels and Mario has 3 lives
- Game keeps a running score
- Game keeps track of Mario's lives
- Mario can collect the following items by running into them:
- Brick Blocks (10 points)
- Coins (200 points, common)
- Super Mushroom (1000 points, less common)
- Starman (1000 points, less common)
- The following transformations are implemented:
- Super Mario (item used: Super Mushroom)
- Invincible Mario (item used: Starman)
- The following enemies are implemented:
- Little Goomba
- Piranha Plant
- The following interactions are implemented:
- Mario can move side to side
- Mario can jump
- When Mario jumps on top of a Goomba, he defeats the Goomba
- Mario gets hurt when he runs into a Goomba or a Piranha Plant (unless he is Invincible Mario)
- Invincible Mario defeats all enemies in contact
- Super Mario has a larger form and if he gets hurt, he reverts to regular Mario
The following additional features are implemented: