This 'Backup to WebDav docker' will mount a webdav share, and uses rsync to sync the files to the webdav. Because we need the mount kernel commands this container needs to run --privileged!
This image can be found on docker hub.
The following 4 environment variables are required for the container to run:
TARGET_DIR=<directory on the webdav share(if it doesn't exist it will be created)>
Optionally the rsync parameters can be overridden, by default it runs as:
RSYNC_PARAMS=-rP --delete --no-whole-file --inplace
Basic usage:
docker run --privileged --rm -e "TARGET_DIR=backupdir/" -e "WEBDAV_URL=http://webdavurl" -e "WEBDAV_USER=username" -e "WEBDAV_PASS=password" -v /home/user/datatobackup/:/mnt/backup:ro daanoz/webdav-backup:latest
To run as daily backupscript retaining 7 days of history:
# Get day of the week
DOW=$(date +%u)
docker pull daanoz/webdav-backup:latest
docker run --privileged --rm --name webdav-backup --env-file ./webdav.env.list -e "TARGET_DIR=backdir/$DOW/" -v /home/user/datatobackup/:/mnt/backup:ro daanoz/webdav-backup:latest