2023-2학기 설계패턴 01분반 14조
텀프로젝트 레포지토리
Version 1.0
Released 27 Sept., 2004
/* (c) 2004 Allen I. Holub. All rights reserved.
* This code may be used freely by yourself with the following
* restrictions:
* o Your splash screen, about box, or equivalent, must include
* Allen Holub's name, copyright, and URL. For example:
* This program contains Allen Holub's SQL package.<br>
* (c) 2005 Allen I. Holub. All Rights Reserved.<br>
* http://www.holub.com<br>
* If your program does not run interactively, then the foregoing
* notice must appear in your documentation.
* o You may not redistribute (or mirror) the source code.
* o You must report any bugs that you find to me. Use the form at
* http://www.holub.com/company/contact.html or send email to
* [email protected].
* o The software is supplied <em>as is</em>. Neither Allen Holub nor
* Holub Associates are responsible for any bugs (or any problems
* caused by bugs, including lost productivity or data)
* in any of this code.