This is the place where you will find known bugs and planned features for the EDR
Ici sont repertoriés tous les bugs et tous les suggestions qui vont etre implementées dans l'EDR
All issues have been moved to simrail/EDR This repository will no longer accept new issues, please create them in the new repository.
#### Features
- Embed simrail map in EDR #72
- Add a sound notification when the departure badge is showing #71
- Make "stop" column more readable #45
- Add frontend retries #67
- Centering problems on three columns #65
- Train passed algorithm based of pathfinding does not handle loops well #79
- Train picture inaccurate in some cases #48
- Remove google fonts for GDPR #78
- Sometimes the bell does not play #77
- Better display for player name #64
- Fix autosort of servers by language #57
- Finally decided to add unit tests about early/delay calculations, and they should no longer be bugged at some hours ! (Waited waaaay too long for that 😅)
- Proper pathfinding algorithm (train has passed station, ETA calculation) ! #56
- Prepare new stations for game release
- Add a notification when a train is in station and it is the time of departure of the train #40
- Replace close button-link with more meaningful action name #52
- #52
- Lazy shows most trains as 'moving away' #71
- Będzin never shows as the current station for a train #49
- Train picture inaccurate in some cases #48
- Add 24h time #50
- Correctly format displayed hour #44
- going early late - changing + and - signs #43
- Responsive issue on server select home screen #55
- Margin problem in the choice of the language #55
- Search multiple trains (separated by a comma , ) #26
- The steam avatar and player name is displayed. Steam was implemented on the backend. #33
- HU language is now available ! -no issue-
- Some railway symbols that are not normalized across countries are now localized #43
- Server name is now displayed -no issue-
- MASSIVE performance gain. The UI was becoming laggy. Thread code (web workers) was optimized, React optimizations were implemented. RAM usage will be higher but CPU usage was divided by 7. -internal issue-
- 24hrs format as the norm, as it seems to be the norm in the industry #50
- Correctly format hour #44
- Long calculations are offloaded in a background thread using WebWorkers -internal issue-
- Server timezone is now taken into account. All game servers are now open ! #39
- Station name is now displayed #37
- Posts images are now optimized #36
- Some clients have a slower refresh rate of 1mn instead of 5-10s #31
- Servers are ordered depending on locale choices #28
Actually two releases merged into one
- Multiple posts trains are now merged in one row (Sosnowiec) #10
- Header is now sticky on the page ! #29
- Add station name #37
- Better color palette for more accessibility #21
- Auto refresh does not filter Offline trains in Online mode #30 & #15
- Departure time is not taken into account when calculating delay #24
- Fix icons for MPE/MOJ/ROJ type #22
- Unable to play at Gora #35
- Small memory leak #32
- Select screen background #17
- NGINX reverse proxies add a layer of cache
- CDN bypass for train queries because of some network problems (cached by NGINX)
CZ1 server is now available on the server list. Documentation is now moving towards being mostly english
- More precise detection a train passing the station (thanks IWhite!) #18
- Nearest station of train displayed (thanks IWhite!) #18
- Nearest station displayed #18
- Current speed of train displayed -no issue-
- Line number is tied to destination, not in its own column -no issue-
- Filter jumpy behavior when changing options #13
- On-Line trains are never refreshed #15
- UI is less wierd (but still a bit, we are in closed alpha 😁 ) -no issue-
- CDN configuration changed to reduce RPS to backend
- Backend now runs alpine to reduce node first invocation time
- Reduced backend memory per node from 1GB to 512Mb
- SimRail server crash will now serve stale cache data
- 🏍️ > 30.000 request served on the first 6hrs of the test without issues, thanks all !
- Fix Mettre des couleurs de labels au train en fonction du type (FRET, HLP, PASSAGER) #6
- Fix Les filtres ne fonctionnent pas sur Sosnowiec #4
- Fix Diverses corrections du darkmode #3
- Fix Corriger l'icone de la TRAXX #1
- Release beta fermée