#To-Do List Application
A Phython-based To-Do List Application with a graphical user interface (GUI) built using Tkinter. This application helps you manage tasks by adding, removing and sorting them by priority. tasks are saved locally, ensuring persistence across sessions.
- Add Tasks: Enter tasks withdeadlines and a priority level (High, Medium, Low).
- Remove Tasks: Select a task and delete it from the list.
- Sort Tasks: Automatically sort tasks by their priority.
- Peristent storage: Tasks are saved in 'tasks.txt' and loaded when reopening the app.
- Priority Visualization: Task are color-coded:
- High Priority: Red
- Medium Priority: Yellow
- Low Priority: Green
- Python 3.x: Ensure you have Python installed. Download Phython
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/DJ-LP/todo-list-app.git cd todo-list-app
- Run the application:
python todo_list.py
-Input a task description.
-Provied a deadline (e.g., dd.mm,yyyy).
-Select a priority level from the dropdown.
-Cick Add Task.