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API Documentation

Mohsen Koohi Esfahani edited this page Aug 14, 2024 · 6 revisions

ParaGrapher API Documentation

ParaGrapher,, is a graph loading API and library designed to provide efficient loading and decompression of the large-scale graph datasets. The design steps, functionality, and evaluation of the ParaGrapher has been explained in a separate document, and in this document, we explain the functions and definitions in ParaGrapher API. The ParaGrapher header file can be accessed on include/paragrapher.h.

Please note that most functions have two arguments void** args and int argc that have been used to pass additional arguments (for sending input to the library or receiving data from library) that may be required for particular graph types.

ParaGrapher Initialization

This function initializes the ParaGrapher library. This function must be called before using any other library functions. Upon calling this function, ParaGrapher iterates over its inner files that have implemented the API for loading different graph formats and creates a list of their functions which is used for accessing graphs.

int paragrapher_init()


  • 0 on success.
  • -1 on failure.

Opening A Graph

This function opens a graph specified by type and filename.

paragrapher_graph* paragrapher_open_graph (char* name, paragrapher_graph_type type, void** args, int argc)


  • name: The file name or identifier for the graph.
  • type: The type of the graph, as defined by paragrapher_graph_type enum and listed in the following table.
  • args: Additional arguments required for opening the graph, specific to the graph type.
  • argc: The number of additional arguments.


  • A pointer to a paragrapher_graph structure if successful.
  • NULL if the graph could not be opened due to an invalid type or other errors.
type Vertex ID Size (Bytes) Vertex Weight Size (Bytes) Edge Weight Size (Bytes)

Getting Info and Setting Configuration

Gets or sets options for an opened graph.

int paragrapher_get_set_options (paragrapher_graph* graph, paragrapher_request_type request_type, void** args, int argc)


  • graph: A pointer to the graph to configure.
  • request_type: The type of request specifying the option to get or set given by paragrapher_request_type enum and listed in the following table.
  • args: Arguments for the request.
  • argc: The number of arguments in args.


  • 0 on success.
  • A negative integer, on error, with the specific value indicating the type of error.
request_type Type of argv[0] Type of argv[1]
PARAGRAPHER_REQUEST_READ_STATUS paragrapher_read_request* unsigned long
PARAGRAPHER_REQUEST_READ_TOTAL_CALLBACKS paragrapher_read_request* unsigned long
PARAGRAPHER_REQUEST_READ_EDGES paragrapher_read_request* unsigned long

Accessing CSX Offsets and Weights

Getting offsets and weights

The following functions return the offsets or weights of vertices in a CSX graph within a specified range.

void* paragrapher_csx_get_offsets (paragrapher_graph* graph, void* offsets, unsigned long start_vertex, unsigned long end_vertex, void** args, int argc)

void* paragrapher_csx_get_vertex_weights (paragrapher_graph* graph, void* weights, unsigned long start_vertex, unsigned long end_vertex, void** args, int argc)


  • graph: A pointer to the graph.
  • offsets, weights: A buffer to store the offsets or weights.
  • start_vertex, end_vertex: The range of vertices to process.
  • args, argc: Additional arguments for the operation.


  • A pointer to the buffer containing the offsets if successful.
  • NULL on failure.

Releasing offsets and weights buffers

The following function is used to release the offsets or weights array returned by the library.

void paragrapher_csx_release_offsets_weights_arrays (paragrapher_graph* graph, void* array)


  • graph: A pointer to the graph.
  • array: The array to be released.

Accessing CSX Edges

Callback function

The callback function for handling data received from asynchronous subgraph reading operations in CSX graph formats is defined as follows. When a block of the edges is read by the library, this callback is invoked to inform user about the loaded data. Depending on the size of buffer and the number of edges, the callback function may be called multiple times. The callback functions is defined by the user and invoked by the library.

typedef void (*paragrapher_csx_callback) (paragrapher_read_request* request, paragrapher_edge_block* eb, void* offsets, void* edges, void* buffer_id, void* args)


  • request: A pointer to the paragrapher_read_request structure.
  • eb: A pointer to the structure describing the block of edges being processed.
  • offsets: A pointer to an array containing the vertex offsets within the specified block.
  • edges: A pointer to an array containing the edges within the specified block.
  • buffer_id: A pointer to an identifier for the buffer used during the operation.
  • callback_args: A pointer to a user-defined parameter that is passed to the \texttt{csx_get_subgraph} by the user and the library redirects it to the callback function.

Loading/Decompressing Edges

The following function starts loading a CSX graph or its subgraph (specified by eb). Depending on the implementation, load can be done synchronously (i.e., the edges array is filled by the library) or asynchronously (i.e., the callback function is called multiple times to pass read block of edges to user).

paragrapher_read_request* csx_get_subgraph (paragrapher_graph* graph, paragrapher_edge_block* eb, void* offsets, void* edges, paragrapher_csx_callback callback, void* callback_args, void** args, int argc)


  • graph: A pointer to the graph structure where the subgraph is to be extracted.
  • eb: A pointer to the paragrapher_edge_block structure that specifies the range of vertices and edges for which the subgraph should be extracted. This includes start and end vertices and edges.
  • offsets: A pointer to an array where the offsets of the vertices will be stored. This parameter is used when the graph is loaded synchronously and the the library fills the pre-allocated arrays by the user.
  • edges: A pointer to an array where the edges of the subgraph will be stored. This parameter is used when the graph is loaded synchronously and the the library fills the pre-allocated arrays by the user.
  • callback: The callback function that the library calls to pass blocks of edges to the reader. It must conform to the paragrapher_csx_callback signature. This parameter is used when the graph is loaded asynchronously and the the library passes its buffers to the user to access edges.
  • callback_args: A pointer to any user-defined data that should be passed to the callback function.
  • args: Additional reader-specific arguments provided as an array of void pointers.
  • argc: The count of additional arguments provided in args.


  • A pointer to a paragrapher_read_request structure if successful.
  • NULL on failure.

Release Buffers

The following function should be used at the end of callback function to inform the library that the buffer will not be used any further and its memory can be reused by the library.

void csx_release_read_buffers (paragrapher_read_request* request, paragrapher_edge_block* eb, void* offsets, void* edges)


  • request: A pointer to the paragrapher_read_request returned by paragrapher_csx_get_subgraph or another similar function that initiates an asynchronous read operation.
  • eb: A pointer to the paragrapher_edge_block structure indicating the specific range of edges and vertices involved in the request.
  • buffer_id: A pointer to the identifier for the buffer used during the read operation. This identifier is typically provided during the callback execution and is used to manage and release the correct buffer.

Release Reader

The following function releases all resources associated with a returned paragrapher_read_request and should be called upon completion of the load process.

void csx_release_read_request (paragrapher_read_request* request)


  • request: A pointer to the paragrapher_read_request structure that represents an ongoing or completed read request.

Accessing COO Edges

Accessing a block of edges in COO format.

paragrapher_read_request* coo_get_edges (paragrapher_graph* graph, unsigned long start_row, unsigned long end_row, void* edges, paragrapher_coo_callback callback, void* callback_args, void** args, int argc)


  • graph: A pointer to the graph structure from which edges are to be read. This graph should be formatted in COO (Coordinate List) format.
  • start_row: The starting row index in the edge list from where to begin reading.
  • end_row: The ending row index in the edge list up to which edges should be read. If set to -1UL, it indicates that reading should continue until the end of the edge list.
  • edges: A pointer to an array where the edges between start_row and end_row will be stored.
  • callback: A callback function invoked by the library to handle the edges read from the graph. This function should conform to the paragrapher_coo_callback signature.
  • callback_args: A pointer to any user-defined data that should be passed to the callback function.
  • args: Additional reader-specific arguments provided as an array of void pointers.
  • argc: The count of additional arguments provided in args.


  • Pointer to a paragrapher_read_request if the operation is initiated successfully.
  • NULL on failure.

Release Graph

The following function releases the resources allocated by the library for accessing a graph and should be called as the last step of accessing/loading a graph.

int paragrapher_release_graph (paragrapher_graph* graph, void** args, int argc)


  • graph: A pointer to the graph to be released.
  • args: Additional arguments required for releasing the graph, specific to the graph type.
  • argc: The number of additional arguments.


  • 0 on success.
  • -1 on failure.