Releases: DHI-GRAS/azure-multi-deploy-action
Releases · DHI-GRAS/azure-multi-deploy-action
Fix pipeline passing despite errors occuring
fix: add a global catch all check (#17)
check PR description for more info
Https only flag
It adds the https only flag
1.6.1-debug.0 commit latest build
Storage account with minimum tls version
1.6.0 update the commend to accomodate new policy changes regarding tls (#15)
Create storage account with minimum tls version
1.6.0-debug.0 update the commend to accomodate new policy changes regarding tls (#15)
Ignore key in azureDeployConfig
A new key "ignore" can be passed as part of the "azureDeployConfig" that would prevent the respective app/func-app from being deployed.
Different format for staging urls. Further fixes and updates.
- Changing the format of the staging accounts from{PrContainer}
. - Introduces a new required "azureDeployConfig" input
where the subscription of the given resource needs to be provided. - Introduces a new optional "azureDeployConfig" input
which updates the CORS on Azure Function Apps for with the staging storage accounts. It accepts an array of resource Ids for the Function Apps. - Improves readability with colors for logs.
Console colors
It updates the action with colors for the console logs for better readability.
Fixes undefined values for libs
Due to "lib" package types, the pipeline would be failing with undefined values for subscriptionId. This release fixes that bug by omitting the "lib" package types when getting the packages.
Fix subscriptionId on cleaning deployments
1.3.1 fix cleaning deployment based on subsId