A simple fully customizable alert controller
- Add
pod 'MIAlertController', '~> 1.3'
to your Podfile if you're using Swift 3 or copy the "MIAlertController" folder into your project from the master branch - Add
pod 'MIAlertController', '~> 1.1'
to your Podfile if you're using Swift 2.2 7 or copy the "MIAlertController" folder into your project from the "swift2.2" branch - Create a new instance with just a line of code
title: "Your alert title",
message: "Your alert description",
buttons: [
MIAlertController.Button(title: "Button one", action: {
print("button one tapped")
MIAlertController.Button(title: "Button two", action: {
print("button two tapped")
- You can customize the alert's behavior and UI by creating a new instance of the struct MIAlertController.Config and changing it's property as you like
- config.dismissOnTouchOutsideEnabled -> It allows the user to dismiss the alert by tapping anywhere outside it
- config.backgroundColor -> Overlay layer background
- config.alertViewBackgroundColor -> Alert background
- config.alertViewCornerRadius -> Alert corner radius
- config.alertMarginSize -> The max margins between the alert and the screen
- config.separatorColor -> The color of separator between the buttons
- config.alertViewMaxSize -> The max size of the alert
- config.titleLabelFont -> the font of the title
- config.titleLabelTextColor -> the color of the title
- config.titleLabelTextAlignment -> the text alignment of the title
- config.messageLabelFont -> the font of the message
- config.messageLabelTextColor -> the color of the message
- config.messageLabelTextAlignment -> the text alignment of the message
- config.messageVerticalSpaceFromTitle -> the space from title of the message
- config.buttonBackgroundView -> the background color of the view who contains the buttons
- config.firstButtonRatio -> the ratio between the width of the buttons container and the width of the first button; Only available with two buttons
- There are three type of buttons (.Default, .Destructive, .Cancel) with different UI but you can create a new type by using the struct MIAlertController.Button.Config
- config.font -> the font of the button
- config.textColor -> the color of the button's text
- config.textAlignment -> the alignment of the button's text
- config.backgroundColor -> the background color of the button
- config.buttonHeight -> the height of the button
- config.contentEdgeOffset -> the edge offset of the button
// Alert UI and behavior
var googlishAlertControllerConfig = MIAlertController.Config()
googlishAlertControllerConfig.firstButtonRatio = 0.8
googlishAlertControllerConfig.alertViewCornerRadius = 1
googlishAlertControllerConfig.messageLabelTextColor = UIColor(white: 0.45, alpha: 1)
googlishAlertControllerConfig.messageVerticalSpaceFromTitle = 25
googlishAlertControllerConfig.messageLabelFont = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(17)
googlishAlertControllerConfig.alertMarginSize = CGSize(width: 10, height: 10)
googlishAlertControllerConfig.alertViewMaxSize = CGSize(width: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds.size.width - 80, height: 340)
googlishAlertControllerConfig.titleLabelTextAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Left
googlishAlertControllerConfig.messageLabelTextAlignment = NSTextAlignment.Left
// Buttons UI
var googlishAlertControllerLeftButtonConfig = MIAlertController.Button.Config()
googlishAlertControllerLeftButtonConfig.textColor = UIColor(red: 19/255.0, green: 152/255.0, blue: 138/255.0, alpha: 1)
googlishAlertControllerLeftButtonConfig.textAlignment = .Right
googlishAlertControllerLeftButtonConfig.font = UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(15)
var googlishAlertControllerRightButtonConfig = MIAlertController.Button.Config()
googlishAlertControllerRightButtonConfig.textColor = UIColor(red: 19/255.0, green: 152/255.0, blue: 138/255.0, alpha: 1)
googlishAlertControllerRightButtonConfig.font = UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(15)
let alertController = MIAlertController(
title: "I'm a googlish alert!",
message: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris",
config: googlishAlertControllerConfig
MIAlertController.Button(title: "COOL", config: googlishAlertControllerLeftButtonConfig, action: {
print("cool tapped")
MIAlertController.Button(title: "OK", config: googlishAlertControllerRightButtonConfig, action: {
print("ok tapped")
#Demo In this repository you can also find a demo.
If you like this git you can follow me here or on twitter :) @MarioIannotta
Cheers from Italy!