This is a greenfield Java project based on the generic project called
Project Duke.
The result of this project is a personal assistant chat-bot named Dino
capable of keeping track of tasks given by the user.
- Todos
- Basic tasks with just a description
- Deadlines
- Tasks which have a fixed deadline
- Events
- Tasks which has a fixed location
- Mark tasks as done
- Delete old tasks from your list
- Find tasks by a keyword
- View your entire task list
- Your tasks are saved locally
- Quickly add a new task anytime!
Format of usage:
todo (description of todo)
Example usage:
todo Buy lunch
Expected outcome:
A new todo task will be added to your task list
added [T][] Buy lunch
now you have: (number) tasks!
Format of usage:
deadline (description of deadline) /by (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM)
Example usage:
deadline do CS2100 Assignemnt /by 2021-09-15 13:00
Expected outcome:
A new deadline task will be added to your task list
added [D][] deadline do CS2100 Assignemnt (by: 15 SEPTEMBER 2021 13:00)
now you have: (number) tasks!
Format of usage:
event (description of event) /at (event location)
Example usage:
event Attend Bob's Birthday Party /at The Club
Expected outcome:
A new event task will be added to your task list
added [E][] Attend Bob's Birthday Party (at: The Club)
now you have: (number) tasks!
Example usage:
Expected outcome:
Your task list will be displayed
Here are the items in your task list:
1. [T][X] Buy lunch
2. [D][] Do CS2100 Assignment (by: 15 SEPTEMBER 2021 13:00)
3. [E][] Attend Bob's Birthday Party (at: The Club)
Format of usage:
delete (task number)
Example usage:
delete 2
Expected outcome:
The deleted task will be displayed and removed from the task list
Nice! Noted. I've removed this task:
[T][X] Buy lunch
You now have: (number) tasks remaining!
Format of usage:
done (task number)
Example usage:
done 2
Expected outcome:
The task will be marked as done
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[E][X] Attend Bob's Birthday Party (at: The Club)
Format of usage:
find (keyword)
Example of usage:
find Bob
Expected outcome:
A list of tasks which contains the keyword
Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [E][X] Attend Bob's Birthday Party (at: The Club)
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
The program should terminate
Bye! Hope to see you again soon!