A program to translate NMR spectra into a publication-ready format. (A major re-write is in progress to tidy up the code, as this was my first major python project)
Install on Windows 64-bit from 0.0.1/dist/SpecTr_0.0.1_setup.exe or run SpecTr.py
- Click the 'Open' button (with a picture of a triplet on it) and select the folder with your fid file in. The folder picker opens by default in a folder which contains and example fid file, so you can just hit enter.
- Click the 'Process' button (with a picture of a triplet and an arrow pointing to 'Text').
- Enter the peak connectivity. For example, if there are two doublets then a triplet (looking left to right), type '1 1 2 2 3 3 3'. The example in the box shows the correct connectivity for the default example spectrum.
- The publication-ready readout will appear in the text box at the bottom of the window.