Minima Node Installation Instructions
1 Cpu
1 Ram
20Gb SSD
OS: Ubuntu 20.04
apt update && apt dist-upgrade -y
apt install curl screen nmon htop -y
sudo adduser minima9001
sudo usermod -aG sudo minima9001
su - minima9001
sudo curl -fsSL -o
sudo chmod +x ./ && ./
sudo usermod -aG docker minima9001
su - minima9001
10. We set the password mds (instead of 123 in the command) and execute the command to create a container for the Minima node.
The password must consist of numbers and letters in lower case, without special characters!
docker run -d -e minima_mdspassword=123 -e minima_server=true -v ~/minimadocker9001:/home/minima/data -p 9001-9004:9001-9004 --restart unless-stopped --name minima9001 minimaglobal/minima:latest
sudo systemctl enable docker.service
sudo systemctl enable containerd.service
su - minima9001
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name watchtower -e WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP=true -e WATCHTOWER_TIMEOUT=60s -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock containrrr/watchtower
docker ps
16. Open the browser and paste in Url https://YourServerIP:9003/ where change YourServerIP to your IP Address. We log in using the password that was set for mds.
If you do not know your IP, you can check it with the command:
wget -qO-
Incentive ID you can get on the page:
If you can't connect to the node using https://ip:9003 then you can register Incentive ID through the Minima terminal.
docker exec -it minima9001 minima
Basic commands
help - show all commands
mds - see password
status - view the status of your node
incentivecash - check balance
incentivecash uid: - bind node id