Repository full of little experiments made using Electron, right now it's nothing more than just a packaged React web app.
Could've done a better job with the project setup, still trying to figure out the most optimal toolchain to use with this. But I think setup is pretty straight forward:
yarn && yarn build
This will run a small makefile-like script that will run a few watchers and execute Electron once it notices build artifact presence.
Going to note little experiments and hacks I'm working on here. Mostly just doing this for fun so don't expect anything too fancy, and most importantly do not use any of this code in a production environment.
Small library that implements some patterns found in the InertiaJS React and Laravel adapters.
Primarily I wanted to replicate the way Inertia helps bridget the gap between backend and frontend, which I think is super awesome. The way I achieved this in this project is not too different from how it's done in Inertia. Yes, the code is ugly, and implementations aren't optimized. I'll get to that later!
Provider (handles current render and associated state):
IPC implementations:
I was going to make a whole graph for this, but then I got lazy. It's 3 AM, and I'm 5 hours late for my bedtime.