Volkswagen for Xcode makes failing test cases pass in CI servers.
This project is inspired by volkswagen for javascript, and phpunit-vw for PHP.
#Example Tests like these will pass. ##Swift
import XCTest
class SwiftVolkswagenTests: XCTestCase {
func testAssertTrue() {
func testAssertEqual () {
XCTAssertEqual(1, 2);
##Objective C
#import <XCTest/XCTest.h>
@interface VolkswagenTests : XCTestCase
@implementation VolkswagenTests
- (void)testAssertEqualObjects {
XCTAssertEqualObjects(nil, [NSString new]);
- (void)testAssertNotNil {
- iOS 8.0+ / Mac OS X 10.9+
- Xcode 7.0
Pure Objective-C projects using CocoaPods should have lower requirements since they don't have to use_frameworks!
- I have tested this yet, but this should work with almost all versions of OS in recent years
Currently using
on iOS/tvOS only supports Travis CI. More CI environment detection is yet to come. Keep an eye on this issue.
You can use CocoaPods to install Volkswagen-Xcode
by adding it to your to your Podfile
platform :osx, '10.9'
target 'MyTestTarget' do
pod 'Volkswagen', '~> 0.2.0'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Adding the following line to your Cartfile.private
github "cezheng/Volkswagen" ~> 0.2.0
Run the following command:
$ carthage update
Then drag the Volkswagen.framework
built by Carthage into your test target's Build Phases
-> Link Binary With Libraries
is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.