Hello! My name is Clyde Villacrusis and I'm a Computer Science and Linguistics double major student at UCLA, passionate about AI and software development. Currently, I'm interning at UCLA Health, focusing on AI applications, OCR tools, and ChatGPT API to convert unorganized blood pressure data to organized, clean data.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Node.js, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Semantics, Phonetics, Syntax II
- 💬 Ask me about Vue, Python, Machine Learning, HTML, CSS, Kdramas/Valorant, Syntax and Morphology
- ⚡ Fun fact: I'm Double Jointed!
- Languages- Python, Javascript, CSS, HTML, C++, Java, Haskell
- Libraries- NumPy, MatPlotLib, PyTorch, discord.py, Pytorch, Scipy, NLTK, Pandas,
- Developer Tools- VS Code, Linux WSL, Jupyter Notebooks, Git, Bash, Scikit-Learn
- Technologies/Frameworks- Google API, NodeJS, React, Vercel, Microsoft Office
- Machine learning
- Software Web Development
- Kdramas/Valorant
- Linguistics: Syntax, semantics, and morphology
Wug-Bot-3.0: A linguistic bot that translates English words or sentences into syntax, IPA, logic, morphological representations, and translates between 13 languages.
Hotel-Booking-Prediction: A project utilizing machine learning and Random Forest Algorithm to predict hotel bookings.
Client's Portfolio: A portfolio website I am developing based on my client's needs
Morphology: Taglish Paper: A Morphology Paper written about the morphological process of code-switching English and Tagalog
- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]