Welcome to Client Playground! We are a group that aims to provide the most high quality client source codes at no cost whatsoever. Here you can find a variety of different client sources which you can freely skid or look at!
We try our best to only leak clients that are skidded, cheat clients, or clients with idiotic owners or staff members.
It mainly depends on what type of client you're trying to leak, if it's a Forge Mod and obfuscated you'll need to deobfuscate it and remap it as well. If it's a MCP Client (Most common for shitty pvp clients) all you need to do is deobfuscate it (If it has obfuscation, in many cases skidders will use superblaubeere obfuscation which can easily be deobfuscated with Java-Deobfuscator, a free and open source tool).
Recaf - https://github.com/Col-E/Recaf
Java-Deobfuscator - https://github.com/java-deobfuscator/deobfuscator
SkidSuite (Links to useful tools and articles related to reverse engineering) - https://github.com/GenericException/SkidSuite
Forge Remapper (Really terrible, but it gets the job done) - https://github.com/egold555/ReplaceModsWithForgeCSVMappingsGUI