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Derek Lackaff edited this page Apr 10, 2014 · 3 revisions


Ensure prerequisites are installed

  • Ruby 2.0.0 (or later)

  • PostgreSQL ( seems to work OK)

  • ImageMagick (for processing profile images)

  • Redis

        $ wget	
        $ tar xzf redis-2.6.14.tar.gz
        $ cd redis-2.6.14
        $ make
        $ cd src
        $ ./redis-server

Setup the project locally

Fork the project from GitHub

1. Create a GitHub account if you do not have one
2. Make sure you are logged in
3. Click the "Fork" button at the top of the page to create your own fork

Download / clone to local development machine

(replace YOURNAME with your github username)
$ git clone [email protected]:YOURNAME/your-priorities.git

Change to your-priorities directory

$ cd your-priorities

Setup git to easily merge from the main branch:

$ git remote add upstream

From the application directory, install all gems

$ bundle install

Create a database user and the development database. From psql shell:

create user yrpri password 'xxxxxxxx';
create database your_priorities_development with encoding 'utf8';
grant all privileges on database your_priorities_development to yrpri;

Copy the config/database.yml.dist file to config/database.yml, and edit the yrpri password.

Create the database tables and seed the database:

$ rake db:schema:load
$ rake db:seed

Start the server

$ rails s

Open http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.


Log in as administrator

user email: [email protected]
password: admin

Change the administrator password, and configure the site.


To update your installation, merge the latest changes from the master branch

$ git fetch robert
$ git merge robert/master
Clone this wiki locally