This project is a crawler which tries to extract game keys from pictures which are published to the popular german imageboard Every found game key is send to all registered users via Telegram.
To use the crawler you have to own a Pr0gramm-Account. Send a private message to TBD (current account was banned). The message has to contain the following keyword: pr0keycrawler You will receive a token within 10 minutes. You can use this token agains the Telegram-Bot pr0grammKeysBot. Use /authenticate and reply with the received token [username:token].
/help - list all available commands
/authenticate - authenticate yourself with the received token
/delete - delete your account
/subscribe - subscribe to receive the crawled keys
/unsubscribe - unsubscribe to stop receiving the crawled keys
Dependency Management
Every 15 seconds the latest images are crawled. With the EAST-Algorithm all pictures which do not contain text will be thrown away. After the preselection the images are preprocessed with OpenCV to get a better result by Tesseract. Tesseract gets this image and tries to extract the text. This text is matched against a RegEX. If it matches we've found a game key which will be then published to the registered users through telegram.
If you want to run this crawler locally you need Java 11 and Maven.
git clone
cd pr0KeyCrawler
mvn clean install
This will download all required dependencies, build all sources and execute the tests. To run the just created jar use
java -jar .target/programmkeycrawler-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
This will execute the crawler with the default configuration.
There are some configuration options to control how the app works:
Property | Type | Description | Default |
---|---|---|---| | String | The pr0gramm cookie to make authenticated requests. If this property is not set the crawler can only access the public images (SFW) | null |
pr0gramm.notifications.enabled | Boolean | If this property is set to true a comment will be posted under the crawled post if a key was found | false |
pr0gramm.registration.enabled | Boolean | If this property is set to true pr0gramm users can register themselves | false |
pr0gramm.registration.key-word | String | This is the keyword a pr0gramm message has to contain to be count as registration | pr0keyrawler |
scheduler.enabled | Boolean | If this property is set to true all scheduling tasks like checking for new registrations or crawling posts will be executed | true | | Boolean | If this property is set to true a local H2-Database will be used. | true | | String | The database host. Keep in mind that only a Postgres-Database is supported | localhost | | String | The name of the database | test |
database.user | String | The name of the database user | sa |
database.password | String | The password of the database user | '' |
telegram.enabled | Boolean | If this property is set to true the crawled keys will be send to all registered users. For this you'll have to create an own Bot | false |
telegram.creator-id | Long | The Telegram-Id of the bot owner | 12345 |
telegram.username | String | The name of the telegram bot | pr0grammKeysBot |
telegram.token | String | The token for the telegram bot | test |
sentry.dsn | String | The dsn for sentry where exceptions are reported | null |
To set a property when executing the jar directly use the property as environment variable. Keep in mind that everything has to be written in uppercase and .
needs to be a _
and the-
has to be removed.
java -jar .target/programmkeycrawler-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
java -jar .target/programmkeycrawler-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
You will have to install docker on your locale machine. To create the image run the following command:
mvn clean install -DskipTests docker:build "-Dos.detected.classifier=linux-x86_64"
This will create a linux based image with all required dependencies and packages. To start the container use:
docker run -it ingagnable/programmkeycrawler
If you want to change the default behavior (default configuration) you can pass environment variables as well. See Docker
Feel free to create issues if you find bugs or if you want to request new features or improvments.