Color Space Conversion (RGB-to-YCC and YCC-to-RGB)
Color Space Conversion is a method to adapt digital or analog media for certain devices and applications. In this project, we have implemented and optimized the conversion between the RGB and YCC color spaces using C and the NEON(advanced SIMD) instruction set.
Additionally, this project does its best to follow the conventions of BARR-C for safety, you can read more about the libraries and documentation below.
This project is optimized for an ARMv7 v7l system such as the ARM Cortex-A15 as it has support of NEON instructions
In order to compile the code, run:
gcc -O3 -o CSC_main CSC_main.c CSC_RGB_to_YCC_01.c CSC_YCC_to_RGB_01.c ./NEW_CODE/rgb_to_ycc.c ./NEW_CODE/ycc_to_rgb.c ./NEW_CODE/upscale.c -mfpu=neon
For extra metrics, run the python testing file and view the latest LOGS:
If you can get the python library called Pillow installed(pip3 install requirements.txt
) on your test machine, you can generate the image with
otherwise, GIMP works to view the with a width of 64 and a height of 48