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A Distributed Eventbus using ZeroMQ and AsyncIO for Python.

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The objective of this library is to provide both a local and distributed eventbus that are compatible to communicate. A similar API can be used in both versions of the eventbuses implementations.


For installing the package, download from PyPI and install with pip:

pip install aiodistbus

Here is a link to the Documentation. If you encounter any issues in terms of code or documentation, please don't hesitate to make an issue.

EventBus Example

The eventbus implementation follows a client-server design approach, with the DEventBus as the server and DEntryPoint as the client. Here is a quick example to emit an event.

import asyncio
from dataclasses import dataclass
from dataclasses_json import DataClassJsonMixin # DO NOT FORGET THIS!

import aiodistbus as adb

class ExampleEvent(DataClassJsonMixin): # NEEDS TO BE A DataClassJsonMixin!
    msg: str

async def handler(event: ExampleEvent):

async def main():
    # Create resources
    bus, e1, e2 = adb.DEventBus(), adb.DEntryPoint(), adb.DEntryPoint()

    # Connect
    await e1.connect(bus.ip, bus.port)
    await e2.connect(bus.ip, bus.port)

    # Add funcs
    await e1.on("test", handler, ExampleEvent)

    # Send message
    await e2.emit("test", ExampleEvent("hello"))

    # Flush
    await bus.flush()

    # Close resources
    await e1.close()
    await e2.close()
    await bus.close()

if __name__ == '__main__':


In the aiodistbus library, we provided 2 eventbus implementations: EventBus and DEventBus. The EventBus class is for local (within same Python runtime) observer pattern. In the other hand, DEventBus class is for a distributed eventbus that leverages ZeroMQ -- closing following the Clone pattern.

The Clone pattern uses a client-server structure, where a centralized broker broadcasts messages sent by clients. As described in the ZeroMQ Guide, this creates a single point of failure, but yields in a simpler and more scalable implementation.


Contributions are welcomed! Our Developer Documentation should provide more details in how ChimeraPy works and what is in current development.


ChimeraPy and ChimeraPy/aiodistbus uses the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, as found in LICENSE file.

Funding Info

This project is supported by the National Science Foundation under AI Institute Grant No. DRL-2112635.


A Distributed Eventbus using ZeroMQ and asyncio







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