ChimPipe is a computational method for the detection of novel transcription-induced chimeric transcripts and fusion genes from Illumina Paired-End RNA-seq data. It combines junction spanning and paired-end read information to accurately detect chimeric splice junctions at base-pair resolution.
ChimPipe have been developed at the [Computational Biology of RNA Processing group] ( in Barcelona, Spain.
Two different ways:
Go to the releases tab and download the latest release.
Clone the git repository in case you want the latest version of the code:
# Move into the folder in which you want to clone the repositoy.
$ cd ~/apps
# Clone it.
$ git clone
ChimPipe does not require any further installation step. It already comes with precompiled GEMtools binaries. It is written in Bash and Awk and can be run as a standalone application on diverse Linux systems.
- 64-bits CPU
- RAM: ~40G for 100 million illumina paired-end reads.
- 64-bit Linux System
- GNU awk
- Bedtools v2.20.1 or higher
- Samtools v0.1.19 or higher
- Blast v2.2.29+ or higher
Please check ChimPipe [documentation] ( to find detailed information about:
- How ChimPipe works
- Installation
- Execute ChimPipe
ChimPipe is distributed under the GPLv3. Consult the [LICENSE] ( file for more information.
Please feel free to submit an issue in our github repository in case you have a question
join the ChimPipe’s [mailing list] (!forum/chimpipe-mailing-list/) in case you have a question, you want to report an issue or request a feature.
Please cite the following article if you use ChimPipe in your research:
Rodríguez-Martín B, Palumbo E, Marco-Sola S, Griebel T, Ribeca P, Alonso G, Rastrojo A, Aguado B,
Guigó R, Djebali S. (2017) ChimPipe: accurate detection of fusion genes and transcription-induced
chimeras from RNA-seq data. BMC Genomics 18(1):7