Team : The Boys We are here to have fun and innovate while having good food.
In India, it is considered to be “weak” to approach a mental counselor. So many people in need of help hesitate to seek help and thereby improve their situation. Not addressing this may lead the person to enter a downward spiral.
What we propose is to gamify the experience of seeking help, through small tasks that give reward points on completion. Awarding points act as a positive feedback. These tasks will be suggested to a user based on a small questionnaire to gauge his/her mood. Examples can be : reading a book, going for a stroll, take dog for a walk Awards can be : have an ice cream, give health points, go for a small picnic, play a simple game, take a nap. Empowering people to realize their ability to take control and take actionable steps to obtain a positive impact on their mental wellbeing.
- Frontend - [to_decide]
- Backend - [to_decide]
- Internationalization takes care of translating application to various languages.
- Non-spammy advertisement to cover costs of experts.
- Doctor should have access to background of user, to provide an insight into personality and get better consultation.
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Node Version v14.16.0 Use NodeVersionManager to easily navigate through different node versions.
- Use cd frontend to navigate through to the frontend folder.
- Use "node install" to install all dependencies.
- npm run dev (refer to 'scripts' section in package.json for more scripts) to see your code running live.