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Merge pull request #30 from Central-MakeUs/feature/9
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Feature/9: Survey 관련 API 개발
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yxhwxn authored Aug 8, 2024
2 parents 2b48c40 + 19ae2da commit 322ded8
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package com.cmc.suppin.event.survey.controller;

import com.cmc.suppin.event.survey.controller.dto.SurveyRequestDTO;
import com.cmc.suppin.event.survey.controller.dto.SurveyResponseDTO;
import com.cmc.suppin.event.survey.service.SurveyService;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.Operation;
import io.swagger.v3.oas.annotations.tags.Tag;
import jakarta.validation.Valid;
import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor;
import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.validation.annotation.Validated;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

@Tag(name = "Event-Survey", description = "Survey 관련 API")
public class SurveyApi {

private final SurveyService surveyService;

@Operation(summary = "설문지 생성 API", description = "QuestionType(Enum): SUBJECTIVE(주관식), SINGLE_CHOICE(객관식(단일 선택)), MULTIPLE_CHOICE(객관식(복수 선택))")
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse<SurveyResponseDTO.SurveyCreateResponse>> createSurvey(@RequestBody @Valid SurveyRequestDTO.SurveyCreateDTO request, @CurrentAccount Account account) {
SurveyResponseDTO.SurveyCreateResponse response = surveyService.createSurvey(request, account.userId());
return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.of(response));

@Operation(summary = "설문지 조회 API", description = "Request: 설문지 ID, Response: 설문지 정보 <br><br>" +
"SUBJEVTIVE: 주관식, SINGLE_CHOICE: 객관식(단일 선택), MULTIPLE_CHOICE: 객관식(복수 선택)")
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse<SurveyResponseDTO.SurveyResultDTO>> getSurvey(@PathVariable Long surveyId) {
SurveyResponseDTO.SurveyResultDTO response = surveyService.getSurvey(surveyId);
return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.of(response));

@Operation(summary = "설문 답변 등록 API")
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse<Void>> saveSurveyAnswers(@RequestBody @Valid SurveyRequestDTO.SurveyAnswerDTO request) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.of(ResponseCode.SUCCESS));

@Operation(summary = "질문별 설문 응답 결과 조회 API", description = "Request: 설문지 ID와 질문 ID, Response: 해당 질문에 대한 응답 리스트")
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse<SurveyResponseDTO.SurveyAnswerResultDTO>> getSurveyAnswers(
@PathVariable Long surveyId,
@PathVariable Long questionId,
@RequestParam int page,
@RequestParam int size,
@CurrentAccount Account account) {
SurveyResponseDTO.SurveyAnswerResultDTO response = surveyService.getSurveyAnswers(surveyId, questionId, page, size, account.userId());
return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.of(response));

@Operation(summary = "당첨자 랜덤 추첨 결과 리스트 조회 API(설문 이벤트)", description = "주관식 답변 중 조건을 설정하여 랜덤으로 당첨자를 추첨합니다.")
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse<SurveyResponseDTO.RandomSelectionResponseDTO>> selectRandomWinners(
@RequestBody @Valid SurveyRequestDTO.RandomSelectionRequestDTO request, @CurrentAccount Account account) {
SurveyResponseDTO.RandomSelectionResponseDTO response = surveyService.selectRandomWinners(request, account.userId());
return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.of(response));

// 당첨자 세부 정보 조회 API
@Operation(summary = "당첨자 세부 정보 조회 API", description = "설문 이벤트의 당첨자(익명 참여자) 정보를 조회하며, 해당 참여자가 응답한 모든 설문 내용을 반환합니다.")
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse<SurveyResponseDTO.WinnerDetailDTO>> getWinnerDetails(
@PathVariable Long surveyId, @PathVariable Long participantId) {
SurveyResponseDTO.WinnerDetailDTO winnerDetails = surveyService.getWinnerDetails(surveyId, participantId);
return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.of(winnerDetails));

@Operation(summary = "당첨자 리스트 삭제 API", description = "해당 설문조사의 모든 당첨자들의 isWinner 값을 false로 변경합니다.")
public ResponseEntity<ApiResponse<Void>> deleteWinners(@RequestParam Long surveyId) {
return ResponseEntity.ok(ApiResponse.of(ResponseCode.SUCCESS));
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package com.cmc.suppin.event.survey.controller.dto;

import jakarta.validation.Valid;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotBlank;
import jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull;
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.List;

public class SurveyRequestDTO {

// 설문 생성 요청 DTO
public static class SurveyCreateDTO {
private Long eventId;
private List<PersonalInfoOptionDTO> personalInfoOptionList;
private List<QuestionDTO> questionList;

public static class QuestionDTO {
@NotBlank(message = "질문 유형: SUBJECTIVE(주관식), SINGLE_CHOICE(객관식(단일 선택)), MULTIPLE_CHOICE(객관식(복수 선택))")
private QuestionType questionType;
@NotBlank(message = "질문 내용을 입력해주세요")
private String questionText;
private List<String> options; // 객관식 질문일 경우 선택지 리스트

public static class PersonalInfoOptionDTO {
@NotBlank(message = "개인정보 수집 항목을 입력해주세요")
private String optionName;

// 설문 답변 요청 DTO
public static class SurveyAnswerDTO {
private Long surveyId;
private ParticipantDTO participant;
private List<AnswerDTO> answers;

public static class ParticipantDTO {
private String name;
private String address;
private String email;
private String phoneNumber;
private String instagramId;
private Boolean isAgreed;

public static class AnswerDTO {
private Long questionId;
private String answerText;
private List<AnswerOptionDTO> answerOptions;

public static class AnswerOptionDTO {
private Long questionOptionId;

public static class RandomSelectionRequestDTO {
private Long surveyId;
private Long questionId;
private Integer winnerCount;
private LocalDateTime startDate;
private LocalDateTime endDate;
private Integer minLength;
private List<String> keywords;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
package com.cmc.suppin.event.survey.controller.dto;

import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Builder;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.List;

public class SurveyResponseDTO {

public static class SurveyCreateResponse {
private Long surveyId;
private String uuid;

public static class SurveyResultDTO {
private Long eventId;
private String eventTitle;
private String eventDescription;
private String startDate;
private String endDate;
private String announcementDate;
private List<PersonalInfoOptionDTO> personalInfoOptions;
private List<QuestionDTO> questions;

public static class QuestionDTO {
private QuestionType questionType;
private String questionText;
private List<String> options;

public static class PersonalInfoOptionDTO {
private String optionName;

public static class SurveyAnswerResultDTO {
private Long questionId;
private String questionText;
private List<AnswerDTO> answers;
private int totalPages;
private long totalElements;

public static class AnswerDTO {
private String participantName;
private String answerText;
private List<String> selectedOptions;

public static class RandomSelectionResponseDTO {
private SelectionCriteriaDTO selectionCriteria;
private List<WinnerDTO> winners;

public static class WinnerDTO {
private Long participantId;
private String participantName;
private String answerText;

public static class SelectionCriteriaDTO {
private Integer winnerCount;
private LocalDateTime startDate;
private LocalDateTime endDate;
private Integer minLength;
private List<String> keywords;

public static class WinnerDetailDTO {
private String name;
private String phoneNumber;
private String address;
private String email;
private String instagramId;
private List<AnswerDetailDTO> answers;

public static class AnswerDetailDTO {
private String questionText;
private String answerText;
private List<String> selectedOptions; // 객관식 질문의 경우 선택된 옵션 리스트
Empty file.

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