The OpenSPIM project is a collaboration between multiple labs to establish an accessible, easily adjustable light sheet microscope system.
The SPIMAcquisition plugin for Micro Manager is the primary means to acquire image stacks with the OpenSPIM setups.
To build this plugin, two extra steps are required before letting Maven (or any Integrated Development Environment with a Maven integration) build the project: The Micro-Manager artifacts need to be installed locally because they are not available via any public Maven repository yet.
Assuming that you already have a nightly build (e.g. by following the
Micro-Manager-dev update site),
install the artifacts into your local Maven repository by executing the
following two commands inside the
directory containing
cd plugins/Micro-Manager
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.micromanager -Dversion=1.4.20-SNAPSHOT \
-Dpackaging=jar -DartifactId=MMJ_ -Dfile=MMJ_.jar
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.micromanager -Dversion=1.4.20-SNAPSHOT \
-Dpackaging=jar -DartifactId=MMCoreJ -Dfile=MMCoreJ.jar
After that, a simple mvn -Dscijava.enforce.skip
will build the
plugin which can then be installed by copying