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A Multi-Agent System for Hierarchical Control


An agent is a system of memory and a set of actions, where the actions are functions that manipulate memory, and the functions are agents that are stored in a set.


Stored agents are considered to be subordinates of the higher agent. Their interactions mimic that of a manager-employee relationship, where the manager's job is to delegate tasks to employees, whose job it is to carry out those tasks and report back when finished. In a sense, agents are given "tasks" when a higher agent calls their functions, and "report back" when it receives their outputs. Therefore superagents control the behavior of subagents, along with their access to information.


This allows control over multiple layers. The top-level supervisor controls its direct subordinates, which triggers a wave of activity that propagates to the lowest level. an agent receives inputs from a supervisor to store in memory. Each subagent is given a subset of memory, which starts the process over again.

This happens recursively until bottom-level output is received by their supervisors. Now activity propagates upward, and eventually reaches the top-level agent where a single output is produced and sent to the environment.

A Formal Language for Nested Automata


DOT (DO-OF-TO) notation is a phrase structure that reflects mathematical functions> A function f(x) -> y is written as:


The letters x and y are stored variables, and f is a function. The brackets immediately following f are the parameters. In this case, f receives one parameter x.


A period signals that a new statement is starting. A colon indicates that a value (left of symbol) is being stored in memory (right of symbol).

Example- Custom agent that returns the sum of two inputs

Custom Agent

First, include the module in your file:

    import OpenAgent as oa

Create an agent and set the memory size:

    ca = oa.CustomAgent(3)

Define elements of memory to hold the input/output values:


Store sub-agents to call their functions:

    b = oa.Add()

Store statements to convert into actions:

    a = ".0[0,1]:2"

Calculate results:

    x = [27, 81]
    y = ca.f(x) 
    # Output: [108] 


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