Duke is your personal chat box that allows you to easily note down and manage your daily task.
- todo
- deadline
- event
- list
- mark
- unmark
- delete
- check
- find
- sort
- bye
Add in the task that you are planing to do.
Format: todo + [task]
Example of usage: todo study CS2103
Record down a deadline for a task.
Format: deadline + [task] + /by + [date + time]
Example of usage: deadline return book /by 2019-10-15 18:00
Attention: Date and time must be in the format of yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm. Else your date input will be deemed as invalid.
Record down the start date and end date for an event.
Format: event + [task] + /from + [date + time] + /to + [date + time]
Example of usage: event project meeting /from 2015-03-17 09:00 /to 2015-05-03 12:00
Attention: Date and time must be in the format of yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm. Else your date input will be deemed as invalid.
Display all the tasks.
Format: list
Example of usage: list
Sample result:
1.[T][] study CS2103
2.[D][] return book (by:Oct 15 2019 06:00pm)
3.[E][] project meeting (from:Mar 17 2015 09:00am to:May 03 2015 12:00pm)
Mark a task as done.
Format: mark + [task number]
Example of usage: mark 1
Expected result:
1.[T][X] study CS2103
Unmark a task as done.
Format: unmark + [task number]
Example of usage: unmark 1
Expected result:
1.[T][] study CS2103
Delete a task.
Format: delete + [task number]
Example of usage: delete 1
Check if a deadline exist.
Format: Check + deadline + / + [date]
Example of usage: check deadline /2019-10-15
Expected result:
2.[D][] return book (by:Oct 15 2019 06:00pm)
- Date and time must be in the format of yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm. Else your date input will be deemed as invalid.
- check can only be used to check for deadline.
Find tasks.
Format: Find + [description]
Example of usage: Find study
Expected result:
1.[T][] study CS2103
Display deadline or event in a sorted order.
Format: sort + deadline/event
Example of usage: sort deadline
Expected result:
•[D][] return book (by Mar 24 2018 02:00pm)
•[D][] return book (by Oct 15 2019 06:00pm)
Attention: sort can only be used to sort deadline or event.
Exit from Duke.
Format: bye
Example of usage: bye
- Open Intellij.
- Open the project in Intellij.
- Configure the project to use JDK 11 (for Mac user, use zulu might be preferred). You can refer to here.
- Set the project language level to
SDK default
. - To run the project inside Intellij, locate
file and runLauncher.main()
- Download the released .jar file.
- Put .jar inside a folder.
- Right-click on the folder and open the terminal.
- After the terminal is opened, key in commend
java -jar myIP.jar