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Luis Mizutani edited this page Nov 21, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the caronaboard wiki!

We are an open source project, with the goal of creating a way to optimize the use of cars in cities, contributing to reduce local traffic, reduce use of fossil fuel, and help people to connect to its friends and colleagues.

What is CaronaBoard?

Different than other products such as BlablaCar, CaronaBoard aim is to remain free! In our view give ride is a matter of friendship! We based the entire idea on principles of friendship and comradery, and that you would spend the same fuel and money if you go alone or if you give ride to your friends/colleagues. If they want to give the rider a contribution it is up to them, and the tool won't be designed to make money out from it.

History & motivation

CaronaBoard started as an initiative created by Luis Mizutani based on a very simple idea.

Why people have to go alone in their cars?

Ideally it would be more sustainable if no cars were used. However we cannot be completely against the use of cars. Some people really have specific needs. However it is logic to think that a car with a single person is not a smart use of resources. With that idea in mind, Luis started to offer ride to people at work and realize that in every workplace there are so many people using cars, and many others without a car going to the same places (from work to home and the other way around). So CaronaBoard started as a way to connect this two group of people.