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File metadata and controls

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A business-focused modular encapsulate module based on axios.

Try this webpack project example with modular file splitting.

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Table of contents

Getting Started


You can install the library via npm.

Note: the axios library is not included in the package, you need to install the axios dependency separately

npm i axios @calvin_von/axios-api-module -S

or via yarn:

yarn add axios @calvin_von/axios-api-module

or via CDN

<!-- You need import axios separately. -->
<script src="[email protected]/dist/axios.min.js"></script>

<script src=""></script>

Why? This design allows users to freely choose the appropriate axios version (please follow the semver version rule, and now we supports 0.x versions) Axios version

Typical Usage

// You should import axios at first
import axios from 'axios';

import ApiModule from "@calvin_von/axios-api-module";
// or CDN import
// var ApiModule = window['ApiModule'];

// create a modular namespace ApiModule instance
const apiMod = new ApiModule({
    baseConfig: {
        baseURL: '',
        headers: {
            'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
        withCredentials: true,
        timeout: 60000
    module: true,
    metadatas: {
        main: {
            getList: {
                url: '/api/list/',
                method: 'get',
                // Add another custom fields
                name: 'GetMainList'
        user: {
            getInfo: {
                // support multiple params definitions
                // url: '/api/user/:uid/info',
                url: '/api/user/{uid}/info',
                method: 'get'
                name: 'getUserInfo',

// get the converted request instance
const apiMapper = apiMod.getInstance();
apiMapper.$module === apiMod;    // true

// send request
// apiMapper is mapped by the passed metadatas option
apiMapper.main.getList({ query: { pageSize: 10, pageNum: 1 } });
apiMapper.user.getInfo({ params: { uid: 88 } });

Define request interface

You need to organize the interface into an object (or objects from multiple namespaces) and pass it into the metadatas option.

  • Single namespace

    When the number of interfaces is not large, or if you want to instantiate more than one, set module to false or empty value, ApiModule will adopt a single namespace

    const apiModule = new ApiModule({
        module: false,
        metadatas: {
            requestA: { url: '/path/to/a', method: 'get' },
            requestB: { url: '/path/to/b', method: 'post' },
        // other options...

    Use the #getInstance method to get the request collection object after conversion

    const apiMapper = apiModule.getInstance();
        .requestA({ query: { a: 'b' } })
        .then(data => {...})
        .catch(error => {...})
  • Enable Modular Namespace

    When module is set to true, ApiModule will enable multiple namespaces

    const apiModule = new ApiModule({
        module: true,
        metadatas: {
            moduleA: {
                request: { url: '/module/a/request', method: 'get' },
            moduleB: {
                request: { url: '/module/b/request', method: 'post' },
        // other options...
    const apiMapper = apiModule.getInstance();
            .request({ query: { module: 'a' } })
            .then(data => {...})
            .catch(error => {...})
            .request({ body: { module: 'b' } })
            .then(data => {...})
            .catch(error => {...})

Send Requests

To send request, you need to use the ApiModule#getInstance method to get the converted request collection object, then just like this:

Request({ query: {...}, body: {...}, params: {...} }, opt?)
const request = apiMapper.user.getInfo;

// *configurable context parameter

// axios origin request options
const config = { /* Axios Request Config */ };
const requestData = {
    params: {
        uid: this.uid
    query: {

// is equal to
axios.get(`/api/user/${this.uid}/info`, {
    query: {

In addition, each converted request has a context parameter, which is convenient for setting various parameters of the request outside the middleware

const context = Request.context;
context.setAxoisOptions({ ... });

Set Intercepters

ApiModule has a middleware mechanism, designed more fine-grained unified control around the requested before request, post request, andrequest failed stages to help developers better organize code

The recommended way is to define a custom field in the metadata that defines the interface, and then get and perform a certain operation in the corresponding middleware.

The following is an example of adding user information parameters before making a request and preprocessing the data after the request is successful:

const userId = getUserIdSomehow();
const userToken = getUserTokenSomehow();

apiModule.useBefore((context, next) => {
    const { appendUserId, /** other custom fields */ } = context.metadata;

    if (appendUserId) {
        const data = || {};
        if (data.query) {
            data.query.uid = userId;
            headers: {
                'Authorization': token

    next();     // next must be called

apiModule.useAfter((context, next) => {
    const responseData = context.response;
    const { preProcessor, /** other custom fields */ } = context.metadata;
    if (preProcessor) {
        try {
        } catch (e) {


In fact, ApiModule was originally designed to avoid writing bloated code repeatedly, thereby separating business code.

Moreover, ApiModule regards the interceptor provided by the axios as the "low-level" level affairs that encapsulates the browser request, also, ApiModule designs the middleware pattern to handle the "business level" affairs. In fact, you can put each interface definition is treated as a data source service (something like the "Service" concept in Angular), and you can do some operations that are not related to the page, so it is called "a business-focused packaging module".

Middleware definition

  • Type: (context, next) => null

  • Parameters:

    Each middleware contains two parameters:

    • context

      • Type: Context
      • Description: Provides a series of methods to modify request parameters, response data, error data, and request axios options, and provides a series of request-related read-only parameters.
    • next

      • Type: (error?: object | string | Error) => null
      • Description:
        • Each middleware must call the next function to proceed to the next step.
        • Passing the error parameters will cause the request to fail (the browser will not send a real request and will directly cause the request to be rejected in the fore-request middleware).
        • Passing the error parameters using the Context#setError method behaves the same as the parameters passed in the next function.

Set middlewares for each instance

Multiple ApiModule instances do not affect each other. Middleware set separately by the instance will override globally set middleware

Global middlewares

Setting the global middlewares will affect all ApiModule instances created later

Setting up axios interceptor

You can still set axios interceptors. Using ApiModule will not affect the original interceptor usage.

Export axios instance

You can use the ApiModule#getAxios method to export the axios instance to set the interceptor

Execution order

Execution order between axios intercepters and ApiModule middlewares

  1. fore-request middleware
  2. axios request intercepter
  3. axios response intercepter
  4. post-request or fallback middleware

It can be seen that the execution of our business axios is more "underlying", so we recommend that business-related code be implemented in the middleware, and the interceptor is only to determine whether the request is sent successfully or implements some protocol and framework related affairs.

Set interceptor

const axiosInstance = apiMod.getAxios();

    function (config) {
        return config;
    function (error) {
        return Promise.reject(error);

    function (response) {
        if ( === 200) {
        return Promise.reject(new Error(response.msg));
    function (error) {
        return Promise.reject(error);


const apiMod = new ApiModule({
    baseConfig: { /*...*/ },            // Object, axios request config
    module: true,                       // Boolean, whether modular namespace
    console: true,                      // Boolean, switch log on off
    metadatas: {
        main: {                         // namespace module
            getList: {
                method: 'get',          // request method "get" | "post" | "patch" | "delete" | "put" | "head"
                url: '/api/user/list'

baseConfig option

Set base axios request config for single api module.

More details about baseConfig, see Axios Doc(#Request Config)

module option

Whether enable modular namespaces. Learn more.

Example in Vue.js:
You can create multiple instance, typically when module option set to false

Vue.prototype.$foregroundApi = foregroundApis;
Vue.prototype.$backgroundApi = backgroundApis;

API Reference

class ApiModule

Static Method


Set the fore-request middleware, which is consistent with the definition of #useBefore, but will be overridden by the instance method and will affect all the ApiModule instances


Set the post-request middleware, which is consistent with the definition of #useAfter, but will be overridden by the instance method and will affect all the ApiModule instances


Set the request failed middleware, which is consistent with the definition of #useCatch, but will be overridden by the instance method and will affect all the ApiModule instances

Instance Method


  • parameters: foreRequestHook: (context, next) => null). Learn more about the Middleware Definition

  • description:

    The passed fore-request middleware will be called before every request. The available and effective context methods are as follows:

    If the wrong parameters are set at this time, the real request will not be sent, and the request will directly enter the failure stage.


  • parameters: postRequestHook: (context, next) => null). Learn more about the Middleware Definition

  • description:

    The passed post-request middleware will be called after every request is successful. The available and effective context methods are as follows:

    If error parameters are set at this time, even if the request is successful, the request will enter the request failure stage


  • parameters: fallbackHook: (context, next) => null). Learn more about the Middleware Definition

  • description:

    The passed request failed middleware will be called after each request fails (or is set incorrectly). The available and effective context methods are as follows:

    If an error parameter is set at this time, the original error value will be overwritten


  • return: TransformedRequestMapper | { [namespace: string]: TransformedRequestMapper, $module?: ApiModule };
  • description: Get the mapped request collection object
    const apiModule = new ApiModule({ /*...*/ });
    const apiMapper = apiModule.getInstance();{ /* `query`, `body`, `params` data here */ }, { /* Axios Request Config */ });


  • return: AxiosInstance
  • description: Get the axios instance that after setted
    const apiModule = new ApiModule({ /*...*/ });
    const axios = apiModule.getAxios();
    axios.get('/other/path', { /* Axios Request Config */ });


  • return: CancelTokenSource

  • description: Generate axios Cancellation source.

    You can use axios cancellation, (docs about axios#cancellation)

    import axios from 'axios';
    const CancelToken = axios.CancelToken;
    const source = CancelToken.source();

    or just use #generateCancellationSource()

      const api = apiMod.getInstance();
      const cancelSourceA = api.$module.generateCancellationSource();
      const cancelSourceB = api.$module.generateCancellationSource();
      // send a request
      const requestA = api.test({
          query: {
              a: 123
      }, {
          cancelToken: cancelSourceA.token
      const requestB = api.test({
          query: {
              b: 321
      }, {
          cancelToken: cancelSourceB.token
      cancelSourceA.cancel('Canceled by the user');
      // requestA would be rejected by reason `Canceled by the user`
      // requestB ok!

class Context

Read-only members


The copy of the metadata for the current request, that is, modifying the read-only value will not affect the original metadata


The object keys path array of metadata corresponding to the current request, for example, the request apiMapper.moduleA.interfaceB method corresponds to ['moduleA','interfaceB'].

Would be useful in the development environment.


Request method for the current request


The baseURL of the current request


The full request url path of the current request, a combination of baseURL and parsed metadata.url


Request parameters for the current request, see details:

  • data.query?: object. URLSearchParams query parameter for object request
  • data.params?: object. The dynamic URL parameters for the object request. Supports /:id and /{id} definitions
  • data.body?: object. request body data
  • Add other user-custom fields, which can be accessed in middlewares


Response data for the current request


The current request's response error data, or manually set error data, the existence of this value does not mean that the request must be failed


The axios option parameter to be used in the current request will be obtained by combining the second opt parameter and context#setAxiosOptions passed in the request

instance method


Set the request parameters of the incoming request (View Details), which will overwrite the incoming data to achieve the purpose of overwriting the requested data


Set the requested response data, which will overwrite the original response to achieve the purpose of overwriting the successful data of the request


Set the request failure data, whether the request is successful or not, it will return failure


Set options for the axios request, but will be merged with the axios option passed in the request method, and the priority is not higher than the parameters passed in the request method