This repository contains our code for the Vex Over Under year. Both robots use a six motor drive train with eight wheels.
We decided to have the larger robot serve as the defensive distributor. In effect this robot would send triballs towards our alliance goal and attempt to prevent and descore our opponent’s scoring on their alliance goal. This robot incorporates a flywheel to launch triballs across the field, is fed directly from the intake. We also have pneumatic wings angled in a way to allow for triballs to be pushed over the center barrier. Our climb mechanism is done through pneumatics as well, where a cylinder would release a hook.
The smaller robot focuses on the offensive role in our strategy. The lighter, faster, and smaller robot was a no-brainer to tailor for the offense. Picking up and scoring triballs without having a ton of mass to move will make it a quick and efficient process. The smaller size also lends itself to greater maneuverability, which is relevant for both scoring and getting around the defense. The intake on this robot can store triballs and the robot is able to push them into the goal for a single scoring strategy. For multiple scoring, we have pneumatic wings. The climb of this robot doubles as a blocker, and it is actuated through pneumatics.