Program simulates NFA on given a expression.
Parameters of NFA are defined/passed by user input.
Program outputs same length string as given expression. While simulating expression, if any current state of machine is in accept state program outputs Y or else N on relevant index.
The last index shows if machine accepts whole string.
first line - expression
second line - space separated parameters, n - number of states, a - number of accept states, t - number of transition pairs.
third line - space separated state indexes
followed by n lines of transition function definition, first integer represents how many pairs of transactions are followed. i-th line denotes i-th state.
n a t
accept states
Ki symbol state
Examples are provided.
You must be in Homework1 directory to run program using command:
The program takes test files as an input from directory:
Input/Output file name format must be:
inXXX.txt outXXX.txt
where XXX is any decimal number