Copyright 2016 Distributed Management Task Force, Inc. All rights reserved.
Redfish Profile Simulator is a Python34 real simulator of the "simple monolithic server" feature profile.
- A simple, minimal Redfish Service
- For a monolithic Server
- Aligned with: OCP Remote Machine Management Spec feature set
- Based on flask
- Initial resources are loaded from a catfish mockup into python dictionary structures
- After that, data is read/patched... to the dictionaries
- Supports BasicAuth, as well as Redfish Session Auth (for one session, one user)
- Uses:
- easy to add new URIs for testing a client
- easy to tweak behavior or add bad responses to test a client
- allows testing of authentication -- which current mockup servers dont do
- easy to insert print statements in service to see if data coming across good..etc
- supports a single user/passwd and token
- the user/passwd is: root/password123456
- The authToken for Session Auth is: 123456SESSIONauthcode
- Supports only HTTP (not HTTPS)
- with redfishtool, use options: -r127.0.0.1:5000 -u root -p password123456 -S Never
python [options]
:-V, --Version,--- the program version -h, --help, --- help -H<hostIP>, --Host=<hostIp> --- host IP address. dflt= -P<port>,--Port=<port> --- the port to use. dflt=5000 -p<profile_path>, --profile=<profile_path> --- the path to the Redfish profile to use. dflt="SimpleOcpServerV1"
- The simulation includes an http server, RestEngine, and dynamic Redfish datamodel.
- You can GET, PATCH,... to the service just like a real Redfish service.
- Both Basic and Redfish Session/Token authentication are supported
- for a single user/passwd and token
- the user/passwd is: root/password123456
- The authToken for Session Auth is: 123456SESSIONauthcode
- these can be changed by editing the file---will make dynamic later.
- The http service and Rest engine is built on Flask, and all code is Python 3.4+
- The data model resources are "initialized" from the SPMF "SimpleOcpServerV1" Mockup.
- and stored as python dictionaries
- then the dictionaries are updated with patches, posts, deletes.
- The program can be extended to support other mockup "profiles".
- By default, the simulation runs on localhost (, on port 5000.
- These can be changed with CLI options: -P -H | --port= --host=
A Monolithic server:
- One ComputerSystem
- One Chassis
- One Manager
Provides basic management features aligned with OCP Remote Machine Management Spec 1.01:
- Power-on/off/reset
- Boot to PXE, HDD, BIOS setup (boot override)
- 4 temp sensors per DCMI (CPU1, CPU2, Board, Inlet)
- Simple Power Reading, and DCMI Power Limiting
- Fan Monitoring w/ redundancy
- Set asset tag and Indicator LED
- Basic inventory (serial#, model, SKU, Vendor, BIOS ver…)
- User Management
- BMC management: get/set IP, version, enable/disable protocol
What it does NOT have -- that the Redfish 1.0 model supports
- No PSUs in model (RMM spec did not include PSUs)
- No ProcessorInfo, MemoryInfo, StorageInfo, System-EthernetInterfaceInfo
- No Tasks
- JsonSchema and Registries collections left out (since that is optional)
- No EventService--Remote Machine Management spec used basic PET alerts
- Uses only the pre-defined privileges and roles
Some limitations to be extended in current implementation
- Auth supports a single hard-coded username, password, and AuthToken, although the protocol is 100% compliant with respect to testing clients trying to authenticate
- ex with basic auth, you have to use the hard coded user/password
- ex with Session Auth, you just use the hard coded AuthToken
- adding and deleting users not implemented--has 3 or 4 users predefined
- accountService properties can be written, but failed logins, lockouts, etc is not implemented
- system log not implemented yet